Chapter Nine

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I sat in a small room that was exceptionally bare. There was only two things in the room. The chair and me. I had just tried to get a hold of Brother. There hasn't been a response yet, but I know it will come.

They are on their way. A small vice came through my head. Brother had heard. I looked down at my bleeding stomach. One of the men had gotten fed up with me and cut my stomach. It was a bit numb, but it would heal.

A man opened the door. He had slick black hair and smart blue eyes.

"Why hello, Joan. We meet again." The man said as sticking his hand out for me to shake. Instead I spat on it. The look on his face was priceless till he got angry. He pulled his arm back, preparing to punch me. Instead, of punching me a flash of realisation crossed his face. He dropped his arm as the cool look returned. "Well, it looks as if you still have all the attitude. And looks." He said as looking down at me, the poor girl who was scowling at him, but was also the one tied to the chair.

"Why, if it isn't the pet human, Vlad. Has the Night Ravens completely cut out the fire in your soul. The soul of the boy I used to know?" I scowled at Vlad. The Vlad I used to know was brothers and my best friend. He had a fire at his center, he was rebellious and daring. But, then he joined the Night Raven and the tamed him like they would train a dog to do their will. My scowl widened as the look on his face changed with all the emotions as his mind went back on the memories of their childhood.

"Vladimir. Stop. You are only doing what she wishes you to do. Go, there are other things you need to do." A man said from the door. How had he got in without either of us noticing. He wore a long black jacket and slacks. His hair was an unnatural blue, probably dyed. Vlad walked out of the room glancing at me only once before leaving.

"So, who are you?" I ask as sliding down in my chair, relaxing. He turned his back to me, sighing. I looked down at my feet, wondering how I would get out. "So, why am I here?" Now, he turned around. I now noticed that he had a very unnatural eye color too.

"You're here because I wanted you to be here, Joan Krov. You see, you and your brother are part of a very big project governments all over the world are trying to accomplish. But, only one has been completed. Yet, the one who it was accomplished on escaped and ran away to Russia." He eyed me warily, then continued. "By the time we figured out where he was, all we found was a body. Someone had killed him. And two adults laid near the body of the subject. A man and a woman."

He got to me. Instead of seeing the man in front of me I saw the fields of my house in Russia. My parents sat near the window on the porch. Brother was playing in the snow near the porch. I was laying on the trunk of the massive tree in our yard. Smiling at brother as he fell on his face, I stood up and started walking toward the house. Little did I know that there was a man standing on the other side of the tree. He stepped out and grabbed my arm. My parents screamed and yelled for me and brother to come there in Russian. But, brother came over in my defense and bit the mans arm, he smacked brother while still holding on to me. my body started to be surrounded by an eerie blue light. A deep growl sounded in my throat as brother flew through the air into another tree.

Now, I saw though my brothers point of view. He saw me and the blue light surrounding me and the man. The mans face was hidden behind the hood of his jacket. His hood flew back showing a man with deep blue eyes and white hair. I looked back at me and saw that I had my teeth bared, my teeth growing longer and more beast like. The next thing I knew a giant blue dragon stood roaring in front of me. I am a dragon.


Thank you for reading my story. I'm sorry I have not been updating, summer is a busy time for me with my gaming contests. I will update more often, I'm just a scatter brain. Well thank you for staying from chapter one through nine. Out really means a lot to me, especially since I'm planning on publishing some stories I'm writing. And of you haven't please follow me so you can get an update when I update. Thank you.




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