Chapter One

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"Why do you need to leave? I'll be all alone! Why?!" My friend asked me dramatically. "Why?!"

"Brother and I need to see our friend in Japan so we enrolled in Ouran!" I said. "I bet school is glad to get us gone!" I snickered as my friend, Alex jumped me.

"I'll miss you so much! Keep me updated, uh, and, uh, if anybody touches you I will personally kill them. Not your brother, you know what he would do." He said as twiddling his fingers.

"I will keep you updated and don't worry about boys, sheesh, why are you so protective? Your not even my brother." I said as smirking. "Oh, Honey-chan said there were twins there. He said they were crazier than brother and I! Do you believe that?" I asked as swinging my arms up.

"No?! What?! No one is crazier that you two! Well got to go. See you later. On Skype. Maybe. Well see you. Bye." Alex said as walking towards his car. Well I better tell brother to hurry. I'm getting restless. I need to get there so I can prank the Hitachi Twins... Hehe... I can't wait...


"Ah," I said as stretching from my nap. I heard a rustle in my pocket, I pulled out a piece of paper. No, a letter. As soon as I realized this my face lit up.

"Is something wrong, Hunni?" Mori asked. I shook my head as reading the letter.

Dear Hunni, 

Guess what?! Brother and I are coming to Japan! We took the scholarship test, so we got in and we'll be there at about, uh, what time would it be there if we arrive at nine in America? Oh, well. But other than that we have pulled a lot of pranks lately. Hehe, brother and I put a 'supposedly' couch cushion under the teachers seat and it said, 'The cow says moo!' And then it farted ah, I will never forget the expression on his face when this happened! Hey, brothers coming! Wait! Brother I need that sandwich, I was about to eat that! Haha! Brother fell for it! He ate it! Ha, the expression on his face when he tasted the worms in there! I am not eating anything brother gives me anymore! Well I need to send this now so see you at, uh, nine. Here. Well, by the time you reach this letter, I will have sent it about, one or two minutes ago. And no I am not explaining how it happens. Well, bye!


The Trickster Twins>< 

I laughed out loud causing everybody to stare at me. I smiled as Tamaki walked up and stared at me then said,

"Mommy, Hunni is hiding something! What is it?" 

"Well, uh, Daddy, he has been receiving letters, somehow. From who, i'll look it up." Kyoya said, in his cool tone. At this point I had to tell them. 

"I have been receiving letters from my friends in America. They said to tell you this," And from that I recited the letter to them. Once I was done they all looked surprised. 

"So, you have friends in America? I have never heard of this til now. And that means Hikaru and Kaoru will have some competition." Kyoya said this as a loud crash came from the end of the corridor. 


"I told you brother he said 'Music Room Three' not that dark, but really cool door." I said as pointing toward the door at the end of the hall. 

"Stop trying to act like me sister, you totally failed." He said as I doubled over laughing. "Well, let's get going... Now..." He said as pointing down to the door. I nodded as walking to the door. We finally made to the door as I noticed something weird.

"Hey, brother? I think something bad is going to happen. What do you think?" I asked brother. He nodded as saying,

"Yeah, I noticed too. I think there will be a bright flash of light." Brother said as shrugging, he opened the door ans as he said, there was a bright flash of light.

"You were right, brother. It's Hunni!" I said as running over to Honey and giving him a death hug. Brother pried me off Honey as a boy with blonde hair and a lavender eye color walked up to me.

"Well, hello my beautiful princess-" He tried to say as my foot landed on his head, I brought my foot up as the boy went into the corner.

"Hm, I am guessing that is Tamaki? Right?" I asked Hunni. He nodded as two boys walked up to brother and I. The Hitachi Twins. This is going to be interesting.

"Well, if it isn't-" The one on the right said.

"The Trickster Twins." The one on the left said.

"I am Hikaru," One on the right said but they were tricking us, I could tell.

"And I am Kaoru." Said the one on the left, Hikaru.

"And we are the Hitachiin Twins!" Both Hikaru and Kaoru yelled.

"Wrong." I plainly said. The twins gave me a confused glance the shrugged. "Brother and I already figured out you gave us the wrong names. Right, brother?" I asked brother.

"Right, sister." Brother replied back.

"The one on the right is Kaoru and the one on the left is Hikaru." I stated as the twins looked surprised.

"How did you figure it out?" They both said.

"It's easy. You both are not completely the same, you have different tones in your voice. Plus it was obvious to us." I said as pointing to them. "We are after all 'The Trickster Twins.'" I walked around the room as brother was talking to the one known as 'Kyoya', I walked to a window and looked out to the vast amount of ground the school owns. I heard someone walking toward me, so I turned to see a girl in a boys uniform.

"Hi, my name is Haruhi! Nice to meet you." She said as sticking a hand out. It would be rude not to, so I took it.

"Why are you wearing a boys uniform?" I asked. She looked surprised as Tamaki walked over and held protective arms around her. She reached up and grabbed Takashi's arm. He fell to the ground twitching to the floor and I broke into hysterical laughs.

"Sister! I told you not to prank the Host Club. Yet." Brother scolded me. I smirked and repeated,



Well thank you for reading the first official chapter of 'Russian Twin Trouble' it means a lot to me^^ Thank you and I will update soon... I hope. School is a pain, but do what you need to do><




Luv ya, post the next chapter soon^^

Russian Twin Trouble **OHSHC**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora