Chapter Ten

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Something is terribly wrong with sister. She seems to be in deep pain. Tamaki looks toward me, worried, then focuses his attention back toward Kyoya telling his police force what to do. 
My vision zoned out as I started to see what sister was seeing. 

She was in a valley, no our home. But it was on fire. A dragon was screaming at the top of it's lungs, shooting lightning bolts everywhere. Sister was in a flash back. Someone did this to her. They only one besides the Host Club that knows was, Thomas. He was there, but disappeared. How dare he do this to sister. How dare he. 

I woke up from my vision,  to a Tamaki violently shaking me. 

"Are you okay! Is he okay?" Tamaki yelled at me and Kyoya. 

"For the millionth time, he's okay." Kyoya sighed as I sat up. Tamaki started to cry as aiming to give  me a hug. I tilted side ways, letting him face plat into a wall. 

"We need to go, they are hurting sister." I said as Kyoya sat there. "Now!" I yelled, Kyoya a bit surprised at my outburst stood up at told the police where to go. "And we are going too. I have some major ass to kick." When I said that, even Mori stepped away. I walked toward the door and didn't even bother with the handle and kicked it down. Putting my hands in my pocket I walked down the hallway, to the main entrance, kicking down every door between me and sister. 

After some running I came up to an abandoned warehouse and knocked. A man walked up to the door and pointed a gun at me then saw who I was. His face filled with fear as I punched him in the face. 


I couldn't believe what John was doing. It seemed every person knew who he was and wanted to run away. But, before they could he either kicked or punched them unconscious. We finally came up to a door that looked fairly knew. John pulled back his fist about to punch the door when it opened. A man with blue hair stood there. 

"John, you arrived just in time to see your sister still human." He said as smiling. John looked down at the ground as a dark aura surrounded him. Most of the time, auras weren't visible, but this one was, so it meant he was strong. He looked up and his eyes were pure blue. He pulled his fist back ready to punch when a scream came from the room. John sprinted past him, into the room. We followed right behind him to see Joan throwing herself around in the chair. John ran up to Joan whispering something to her, but she made no sign of hearing him. 

"What did you do to her, Thomas?" John said quietly. Almost a whisper. Thomas just stood there staring at him. "I said, What! Did! You! Do! To! Her!" He yelled. I just noticed that John didn't say, sister, like he usually does. Thomas, shrugged as walking toward him. 

"I only did what was natural and returned her to her natural state." Thomas said as sighing. I glanced at Joan wondering what he meant by, natural state when it popped into my mind. She is a dragon after all. Just as I thought that a loud crash sounded in the direction of Joan. I quickly looked over to see what had happened and saw a dragon. Deep blue scales and yellow hair. Mori picked up Hunny as Joan screamed, but in her dragon form it was a ear piercing roar. Tamaki stood there in shock as a single tear went down his face. Haruhi pushed him out of the room as she roared again, but more in pain this time. Everyone evacuated the room with the exception of Thomas, John and I. 

"Can you stop it?" I asked John. He shook his head and glanced at his sister. 

"I already tried." He said as looking down at his feet in fear. I had to think, is there another way to stop her? I glanced through out the room, when I thought to myself. Why do I care what happens to her? I barely know her. I looked up at her again to see her looking straight at me. And at that moment a absolutely crazy idea popped into my head. And I went all for it. 

I ran up to her and hugged her. Her head reared back as John yelled at me to get away. I didn't. I couldn't, and if this worked that we would be safe. 


I stared at Kyoya and though about how crazy he was to run up to her. I yelled at him to run away, but he didn't listen. He whispered something to sister and she started to shake. Slowly and surely she returned to her human form, but completely naked. Kyoya hugged her tightly, though a complete blush covered his face. And I took that chance and punched Thomas in the face, knocking him out. I took my jacket off and wrapped it around sister, making sure she was okay. 

"Thank you." I said as hugging sister. Kyoya nodded back but his smug face said I owed him. "Fine, I owe you. What do you want?" I said as Kyoya smiled wider. He pulled out his black book and wrote something down then looked up at me and then at Joan. His eyes softened as he looked down at Joan. What! I thought to myself. He couldn't like sister. Ever. He looked up at me and smirked knowing I couldn't refuse, or he would find a way to make me. Or in this case, Joan. 


Thank you my dear readers, for staying faithful and reading up to here. I really love all of you guys and this was a really hard chapter to write. And two things. One, please follow me so that when I update you can get an update thing when I write on my board. And two, if you want, you can leave suggestions in my messages on what you want to happen, and it just might happen. No guarantees. 





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