Chapter Six

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Well this is very interesting. They're dragons.

"So, what does that make you, John?" I asked as taking out my black book, jotting things down.

"Well, I have the powers and strength of a dragon, so I am Sisters... Watcher. The man didn't get to finish the spell on me so I didn't get everything Sister has. But, in some ways that is a good thing." John sad as looking toward his sister, sadly. I smirked, this is very interesting. Speaking of which, Tamaki just broke out into tears.

"Mommy! That was so sad!" Tamaki yelled as hugging me around my waist. He looked up at me with his big purple eyes.

"Yes, daddy... Well, since you seem to be having trouble. We will offer you a job. And in return we will not report you or anything. Deal?" I said as writing in my black book.


I just woke up from my mid-day nap to hear Kyoya blackmailing Brother.

"Are you black mailing Brother and I?" I said as everyone looked shocked that I was awake and well. Even Kyoya was shocked. "Well?" Kyoya fell out of his trance then smirked.

"Why, yes I am. I hope you don't mind." Kyoya said as writing more things down in his book. "And I think it will give us some more customers, since we will have a female Host." I glared at him as Tamaki jumped up and started beaming happiness.

"That is a magnificent idea! You both will start your first day of school. When is that?" Tamaki asked as settling down.

"Sister and I start school this coming week. It's Friday, so we start Monday." Brother said in his matter of fact voice. Honey walked up to me then smiled.

"We're going to the beach tomorrow! Do you wanna come?" Honey said as jumping on my lap. His big brown eyes pleading me to say yes.

"Well, I guess Brother and I could come. For a little at least." I said as poking my chin. Honey jumped off of me and jumped onto Mori's shoulders.

"I have a quick question, now that you are awake. Your brother said that you were a full dragon. Does that mean that your a shape-shifter or that you have the powers of a dragon?" Kyoya questioned. He leaned forward with yet another smirk on his face. Dang, how bad I want to smack that smirk off his face.

"Both." I stated. Kyoya leaned evern more forward urging me on. "I have both the magic of a dragon and I can turn into a dragon." His eyes widened in surprise... Oh my gosh! The all mighty Kyoya has fallen to the element of surprise! Yes, objective completed.

"Well, Sister and I need to sleep. So I will escort you all out." Brother said as standing up. I waved good bye to everybody as they left. Brother soon came back and sat down next to me. "Sister, do you think we can trust them?" I put my head on his shoulder and he put his head on my head.

"I think we can trust them. They're friends after all." I said to Brother.

"Friends..." Brother said quietly. Both Brother and I fell asleep the easiest we ever have before.

Monday morning

A gentle push woke me from my dreamless sleep. Brother stood above me, in full uniform. Not the schools uniform at least. We would be wearing matching uniforms of our own kind. Brother will wear a black uniform with a red tie and I would wear a black uniform with a blue tie, but I would wear shorts instead of a skirt. I brushed my short black hair, parting it over my left eye. I still put a eye patch over it but I still cover it with my hair.

I slid on my uniform and stepped into the main room. Brother stood near the door ready to go.

"You ready, Sister?" Brother said as sticking his hand out. I took his hand and nodded. "Time for our first day of school." Brother and I stepped through the rock door as it slid shut. We walked to school which was about five minutes away. We stepped to the front desk to see a middle aged women writing something down.

"Hello, we are the new scholar students. We need to get our schedules." Brother said in his sweet voice. The lady looked up and nodded. She quickly wrote something on a paper then handed us our papers.

"Have a good day." She said as we walked away. Brother started to laugh.

"What happened, Brother?" I asked as he shook his head and handed me his paper. I turned it over to see something written on the back. It read,



She gave Brother her phone number!


Thanks for reading this far>< It means alot! I've been really busy with school and sports so I will update as soon as possible>< Please,



And read the next chapter when its up>0<

Thank you

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