Chapter Five

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Sister fell to the ground, I rushed toward her frantically.

"Sister? Sister are you okay?" I asked as putting her head in my lap. Her eyes fluttered open. Red on right, blue on left. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, what happened?" Sister asked as pulling herself up. Sister looked at her attire wide eyed. "Did it happen?" I nodded as she leaned into my shoulder. Sister was asleep.

"Who are you guys really?" Tamaki asked. "And what do you mean 'Did it happen?'" Tamaki stepped forward as I shot him a glare.

"Fine, you want to know. Then we need to go somewhere else. We'll go to our house." I said as picking Sister and walking into the woods with the Host Club behind me.


We walked into the woods once again, but this time to the Twins house. John was unusually serious, he walked up to a cliff side.

When was this ever here? I thought. John set Joan on the ground, then walked up to the cliff, putting his hand on the rock. A small symbol glowed. It looked like a dragon weaving in and out. The rock slipped out then slid side ways. He picked Joan back up then motioned us to come. We all walked into the cliff door, following John. Mori was carrying Honey, Haruhi was next to me, Kyoya was in front and Hikaru and Kaoru were in back. John opened up a door at the end of the hallway as walking in.

"Welcome to our home." He said as setting Joan on the couch. The room was lined with swords, knives, guns, and much more. He sat down on the couch next to our sister. "So you want to know what happened?" We all nodded as his head turned to Joan who was sleeping peacefully. "It all started when we were five years old..."


Sister and I were outside playing when a strange man walked up to Sister. He said, "Come here little one." And she did, it was weird it was like I wanted to too. He whispered something in her ear the widened her eyes. She fell to the ground as if in a trance, she started to animate great power. Blue glowed all around her, as if trying to swallow her. Our parents ran outside just as the stranger walked up to me, he said one word, dragon. Our parents ran to us but only to be stopped by the man. Sister ran up to him stabbing her hand through his chest, ripping his heart out. She crushed his heart as the man disintegrated. Then the same to our parents. She looked at me, instead of her normal eye color she had one red eye and one blue eye. The aura surrounding her faded as I ran toward her. We left our homeland Russia and fled to America where we hid. She has the power of a dragon while I only have some.


"What was her original eye color?" I asked.

"Green, and so was mine." John said as Joan stirred.

"So you are both part dragon." Kyoya stated.

"Yes, well I have some powers of a dragon. Sister, well she is a different story. She is a Dragon."


Duh duh daaaaaaaa

What will happen and yay another chapter done

Sorry I haven't updated in a while... School is harsh sometimes.



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