A Handsome Stranger

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A/N: Hi Everyone! Sadly the updates will take a long time because school is starting , but don't worry i'll update as much as i can, Now we finally get to see Elsa and She is meeting Jack! Yay! Now.....Enjoy!


It was the middle of May , 10 months after the events of the Great Thaw and the people of Arendalle have accepted Elsa as their Queen. After they did , Elsa had been working nonstop.
Elsa didn't expect being Queen was an easy work but she didn't expect it ti be that tiring either. Since the Great Thaw she has been signing paperwork and trying to maintain was hard especially after cutting trade with Weslton but she managed to get help from her cosine Rapunzel the princess of Corona. Elsa even got ahead of her work but still she wouldn't stop working because she wanted to prove herself to be the best Queen possible , and one of the things she had to do today was to attend a counsel meeting.

" Your Majesty " One of the men said while standing with the others when Elsa entered, she nodded for them to sit down. When everyone was settled on the Oval shaped table with Elsa at it's head she started to talk.

" I Understand that this meeting was supposed to be next week " She asked although it seemed like a statement.

" Yes , Your Majesty " her prim minister said.

" It must be an urgent matter then "

" We think so Your Highness "

" Then May you tell me what it is ? "

" Yes , Um..." the prim minister cleared hid throat " We think that Arendelle needs a King "

Elsa felt a little offended by this but she did not show it " Excuse me , is my ruling not good enough? "she asked calmly but all the minsters knew she was angry because the room got a little bit colder.

" No Your Highness, your ruling is great but it's a tradition that when a princess-or Queen in your case - reaches the age of 22 she has to be married , and with all my respect you have three or two months left and you are not even engaged yet "

" Are you saying that i need an arranged marriage ? "

" Y-Yes , Your Highness "

Elsa stayed quite for a moment she was thinking of a way to get out of this , just then she got an idea.." As i understand, This tradition has been going in my family for years ? "

" Yes , Your Highness "

" I see....Can you answer my question...Do you think that any of them had my gift? " She asked

" N-No , Your Highness "

" Now can you touch my hand and tell me what you feel? " she asked and made her hand more colder than it already is.When the prim minister touched her hand he withdrew his hand back immediately but he didn't say anything.

" Tell me , What did you feel ? " Elsa asked although she knew the answer already.

" C-Cold, Your Majesty " He said

" Then according to you , my skin is too cold making touching me nearly impossible let alone be married , Am I Right ? " She asked

" Yes , Your Highness but- "

" I do not wish to hear of this matter again. " She Commanded

" But , Your Majesty Aredelle needs an heir to the throne ! " said another minister looking a bit angry.

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