A Long Lasting Friendship

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A/N : Hi Everyone! i think that from now on i will update every Friday but i am still not sure....And Who else saw the pictures from Frozen Fever ? I can't wait to see the movie! Okay sorry i'll stop now ...Enjoy!


After Jack said those word the room became quite. "Jack Frost?" Elsa asked.


Elsa looked at Jack, her face a mixture of disbelief and anger. "How dare you mock the Queen?!" she asked, slightly glaring at him.

"I-I didn't! I really am Jack Frost!"

"Then prove it!" she commanded.

Jack smirked and opened the palm of his head, letting snowflakes float all around the both of them.

Elsa was looking at each snowflake wide eyed in awe. " You're like me..." she whispered relief laced in her voice. " You're like me! " She said again, looking at Jack with a small smile on her face. "But how could a boy like you have the same powers as me?" she asked.

"Boy? Excuse me, but I think that I am definitely older" Jack said.

"You Are?" Elsa asked, farrowing her eyebrows. "How old are you?"

"Uh....321 years...."  he said, rubbing the back of his head.

"B-But how? It's impossible! you look - " Elsa started but got cutoff.

"18 years old ? I'm a spirit, I didn't age a day since I died" Jack said with an innocent smile.

"You died?" Elsa asked. Jack nodded to her like this wasn't a strange thing to tell a human. "How did you die? If I may ask"

"When I was human I went ice skating with my little sister, Emma. The ice was thin and it started cracking under her, I used my staff to pull her to the thick ice. While doing that we exchanged places. I did realize it till it was too late and.. I ..I fell through the ice" Jack said, his voice slowly fading. He never really had trouble talking about this since that he still couldn't remember his past life well.

"Oh.....I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked" Elsa said, looking slightly guilty.

" Don't be, at least I saved Emma."

Elsa was surprised about how he spoke about the whole thing like it was completely normal but she liked the fact that it didn't matter for him as long as his sister was safe. "Uh...Could you take this...thing.. off my head, please?" Jack asked, trying and failing to get the bandages off his head.

"But your head is bleeding and it got stitched. You can't take it off until it is completely healed"

"It did."

"It's impossible for it to heal in a couple of hours"

"I heal fast. You can look if you want "

When Elsa took the bandages off, she was surprised to see that the stitches were gone and all that was left in the cloths was a tiny bit of sparkling blue

"It...healed..." Elsa said, then she remembered something "Why is there sparkling blue in your blood?"

"Uh....You know how some people who really love winter say that winter runs in their veins? Well....Winter literally runs in my vines. I think that that's why my hair and eyes turned liked this"

"Turned? Were they another color?"

"They were brown"

"Oh...Well I must go. My sister, Anna, is probably - " Elsa started but got cutoff.

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