A Mysterious Attack

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A/N: Hi Everyone! sorry that i havn't updated in a long time but things are starting to move now Now....Enjoy!


When Elsa went to Kai to see what is wrong she noticed that he looked even more worried " Kai? What is wrong? " she asked

" Your Highness , some guards have been attacked! " he said urgently

" W-What? Do you know who did this? Are the guards fine? " she asked with a worried expression like Kai's

" I'm afraid that wedon't know who did this , the guards where found unconscious , they remained like that for the whole night and they looked rather troubled but they are awake now , the physician said that aside from a few minor injures they are fine " he replied

Elsa didn't know whether to sigh in relief or be worried that whoever did this is still out there but she still needed to know more about this matter " Is there any clues about who might have done it? " she asked

" We could find nothing that could lead us to a person , but we did find black dust covering the floor "

Elsa was quiet for a moment , she couldn't shake the feeling that she might have a clue to lead to who ever did this , just then she remembered what Jack told her about Pitch's black sand " Did this dust by any chance look like small grains of black sand? " she asked

"........I believe so Your Highness " Kai replied after moment of silence , proving that Elsa's suspestions were true

" Excuse me for a minute , Kai keep the guards on high alert " Elsa said while walking past Kai to go see Jack

" Of course Your Highness , but may I ask , Where are you going? "

" To a person who might know who did this , I'll also be needing you to give some details , We'll be meeting in the study chamber in fifteen minutes "

" As you wish Your Majesty " he said then left as fast as he could while Elsa rushed to go see Jack

When Elsa spotted Jack in the courtyard flying above the kids and avoiding being hit by snowballs she wasted no time in running to him " Jack! " she called , making him turn to see her with

" Hey Elsa! " he greeted her coming down while smiling but his smile faded when he saw Elsa's worried expression " What's wrong? " he asked

" Jack what did Pitch use to try and defeat the Guardians? " she asked urgently , making sure that she has not been mistaken

" Black sand , Why do you need to know? Elsa did you see something? " Jack asked worried from the thought of Pitch being here and hurting Elsa , and that though made him have mixed emotions of anger and worry

" I fear so , some guards were attacked, there was no clue to who did this but some servants saw black sand and according to what you said it might be Pitch but it also could be someone else "

" It's Pitch..He's the only one that could do that...he's here....Father Time must have been attacked by him , I am sure of it " Jack said remembering that before he left the Guardians a yeti was alerting them about Father Time

" Then I'll be needing your help , This Pitch must be after much more than just attacking the guards , Can you do that? "

" Yes , Of course "

" Good , follow me to the study chamber " Elsa said turning to go inside the castle

" Elsa wait , I just need to do something it's important " Jack said and then he turned to the kids " HEY GUYS! " he shouted making all the kids turn to him " Sorry , I have to go , Queen Elsa needs me , but don't forget to tell your friends about the stories I told you "

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