Sisters Bonding Night

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A/N : Hi Everyone! sorry for the short chapter but i'll try to make it longer in the next one! Now...Enjoy!


When Elsa got to the doors of her bedroom she was surprised to see Anna waiting for her with a strange look on her face " Anna? What is wrong? " Elsa asked looking worried

" Nothing......I just want to know how did your time with Jack in the garden go " Anna asked getting closer to Elsa

" Anna nothing happened " Elsa replied fast while trying not to blush and failing

" Then why are you blushing? Ooh did he kiss you!?"

" Anna! I just met him! " Elsa said her face red from what her sister said

" If it's true love it doesn't matter! "

" yes it does! now could you please let me enter my room ? "

" Not until you tell me what happened in the garden "

" Fine I'll tell you if you let me in "

" EVERYTHING?! like his age , is he kind? what you talked about? "

" Yes everything "

" Okay! " Anna said while moving away from the door to let Elsa in

" Ooh before you start , I'm going to change into my night gown and go to your room then-"

" What about Kristoff? "

" He is going to be late he has ice business to do , so what was i saying Oh! after I change and come to your room I'll bring some chocolate , we are going to have a sisters bonding night! "

" Didn't we just have a sister's bonding day? "

" It wasn't long enough! " Anna said while giving Elsa her puppy dog eyes she knew those were Elsa's weakness

" Would you please-No-but-Fine! Just stop doing...this! "

" What this? " Anna asked as if she didn't know what Elsa was talking about

" That thing you do with your eyes it''s " Elsa stopped and sighed she knew that this was getting no where " Just forget i ever said that , we'll have a sisters bonding night just let me change into my night gown too"

" Yay! Chocolate here i come " Anna said while running in the hall with a victorious smile on her face

after a while Anna came bake in her green night gown while Elsa was in her light blue one , they both got comfy while sitting on the bed and eating chocolate while Anna had some blankets on her even when they were getting close to summer there was still a slightly chilly breeze at night with bothered Anna but not Elsa

" So Start Telling me everything! " Anna exclaimed while jumping excitedly

" Okay calm down " Elsa said , she was happy that she and her sister were having time together it made her feel a little less guilty about shutting Anna out for all those years- ' No don't think about it , you are with Anna now , nothing is going to happen like that ever again ' Elsa thought " Now Shall i start? " She asked with a smile while raising an eyebrow

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Time Skip:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Anna listened to everything Elsa said intensely , she squealed when she heard that Jack called Elsa beautiful and started talking about how Jack loves Elsa and that it is just meant to be but after half an hour of fangirling she calmed down and continued listening . After Elsa finished she waited for a reaction from Anna

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