Our Stories

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A/N : Hi Everyone! it have been a long time since i updated but don't worry i will not be stopping my story any time soon! Now...Enjoy!


Jack told Elsa what happened to him and how he got here. Elsa was amazed from what he said but she believed every word "So you came here because of a magical time traveling glob that was a gift from Father Time to Santa Clause with is also known as Nicolas St. North but you call him North for short?" Elsa asked making sure that she understood everything right.

"Yep" Jack said then they both fell in an awkward silence. He stared thinking of a way to break it. Just then he got an idea "And...I saw your Ice Castle"

"Y-You Did?!" Elsa said the look of complete shock on her face, she didn't expect her castle to be standing a hundred years or so later.

"Yes and so many people were visiting it, you became a legend and I may sound crazy but I think this teenager named Augustus saw me but I'm not sure and there is nothing to prove it "

"Oh...You Know Augustus isn't a very common name in Norway, it's very rare that you find a Norwegian who carries that name but that is the reason I like it....It's special..."

"Elsa is not very common too making it special... like you" Jack said making Elsa blush.

"Yes my mother wanted to name Elli if she got a girl  my father wanted Elisabet but they both settled for Elsa"

"Still it's a beautiful name it fits you just right" Jack said , he had no idea were did that come from but he thought that she looked cute when she blushed.

"T-Thank you" Elsa said while bushing she normally didn't like it when men said that to her but for some reason she didn't mind it with Jack.

"Now that I think about it ........ Augustus looks a little like you" Jack said , he was right except for the eyes they were different.


"Yeah, the pale blond hair and freckles , he just looks like male version of you "

"what a coincidence...Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, this is the reason we came here, after all"

"How did you know that no one could see you ? Where you ever seen in your time? Were you born a spirit? to sum it all up, What is your story?" Elsa asked, she just couldn't hold her curiosity any longer.

Jack was quite surprised that she wanted to know about him. He hasn't told anyone his story, like how did he die or what he did in the 300 years he lived not even Jamie but with Elsa........it was different and he felt that he has to tell her he did after all hear a tiny bit of her story- it then occurred to him that he didn't know her full story "I'll tell you my story if you tell me yours, deal?"

"Deal, start from the first thing you remember" Elsa said.

Jack stayed quite f or a minute and when he looked at Elsa she noticed that the light in his eyes was gone instead it had a hint of pain in it "Darkness" He said, his voice sounded distant.


"Darkness... That's the first thing I remember. It was dark...it was cold...and I was scared" He paused like he was remembering something then he looked at the Moon. Even if everything around him changed the moon stayed the same as always "But then...then I saw the Moon...It was so big and it was so bright..It seemed...to chase the darkness away.." Jack smiled.

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