A Start Of An Adventure

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A/N: Hi everyone as I wrote in the description this is my first story I've ever written . I wrote it because I really wanted someone to write it (i even suggested it to a writer on fanfiction but she didn't write it ) and since no one ever did....I Did! I could accept suggestions if they would fit the story because right now I only have little parts of the it. Enjoy! :D

In the coldness of the wintry air in Norway , a believer at heart would see a figure flying. Jumping from one rooftop to another effortlessly and bringing snow that most kids enjoy. That figure was Jack Frost the guardian of fun , although most people consider him a myth , a simple expression , he is very much real. Being a guardian made him take it's responsibilities seriously , that didn't stop him from doing pranks that always carried his ' frosty ' touch.

One of what he would consider his greatest pranks was to slightly lower the temperature in Egypt. It wasn't just some cold wind , it was freezing wind for the citizens and small balls of ice raining at the cost. Jack felt a sense of achievement knowing that the kids enjoyed his prank , it didn't stop him from being annoyed from the fact that most adults didn't like it. It was as expected as Mother Nature getting angry with him. She was already ready to kill him after the blizzard of '68 , he even held a record for a list she had for the ones who mess with her precious Earth and since she was good friend with Easter kangaroo it was not surprise that he got a lecture from them. It was these little things that made Jack get annoyed. What harm would it do if some rules were broken?! He was content with the answer that he'll never understand if that meant not being able to have any fun.

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::TIME SKIP:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

After a while of aimless flying Jack came to a town he didn't recognize , he was sure that he passed by here before but he never payed much attention to it. It looked interesting though , with a old buildings and modern markets. It looked like the past and present met in this place. It integrated Jack to no end , thinking about it he seemed to have a few more hours before Jamie woke up for school giving just enough time to explore the place here and fly to him. Jack smirked and went to take a closer look , he was now able to see a castle nearby. He didn't know how it somehow was built on a small area of land in the ocean but somehow it was , it was connected to the town with a bridge , the whole town was built close to fiord.

He could see mountains in the far distance but there was something different it almost felt like magic . He never really went there because he found no fun in making it snow in a place that snows all year around , but going to that place now seemed like a very good idea.

" Wind! " He called causing it to blow hard around him " TAKE ME TO THE MOUNTAIN! " he shouted feeling as if this was a beginning of something. Whether it was good or bad it was up to him to find out....

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