Magnificent Mystery

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A/N:Hi Everyone! I forgot to write yesterday that the story chapters will be short or average because I'm not sure I can write long chapters...Anyway Thank you RockalleanV for commenting you made my day :) Everyone else who could be reading my story ... Please Vote and Comment...Now Enjoy!


It didn't seem like it took a long time for Jack to get to the mountains and even if it did what he was when he finally arrived was worth it...

It was a whole castle made of ice , and it wasn't even his normal rough white ice. No, that ice seemed to be as smooth at silk , it was a vibrant blue , it seemed flawless- No it is flawless. " Whoa.... " Jack breathed " I highly doubt that a human built that.. " he said.

The he noticed something , the magic that was radiating form the mountain seemed to be actually radiating form that castle. But how? " Could someone really have powers " Jack said , I wanted to know more. This may be his only chance to meet someone who is at least similar to him .

Fortunately for him , he saw a group of tourists being lead by a tour guide. He immediately got close to them to be able to hear the tour guide. What surprised him though was the number of children and teenagers there. Most adults would see this as a beautiful scene but to Jack it was bizarre.The fact that they were large in number and not a single one seemed to be losing their interest in what the tour guide was saying didn't help ease his growing curiosity . " Either these kids are really interested or they're just really good at acting " he said raising an eyebrow.

Also the fact that the tour guide looked excited for real not that fake excitement that most tour guides use didn't help ease Jack's curiosity. He could tell from the look on her face that this woman never got bored of saying this story over and over again and from the looks of it she had been in this job for years because she looked in her 30's. ' What is so strange about this castle to make all these people visit it? Even if it was made of ice most people look like they are from here.They  seem to know the place very well even the kids are walking in front of the tour guide... '  Jack though

He went close to them so that he could hear what the tour guide was saying but he still kept his distance to stay out of sight just in case a kid believed in him doesn't look crazy while talking to thin air in the mind of the non-believers. Jack really enjoyed listening to what the guide was saying because she even was talking in an excited way not with that monotone voice.

" It is said that it turned to winter for 2 to 3 days on Queen Elsa's coronation she was crowned as Queen at the age of 21 making her the first Queen of Arendalle to be 21! Her coronation was held in the middle of summer making it impossible to turn to winter bur somehow it did !" said the tour guide "And this castle was built by Queen Elsa herself! it was also said that she had powers not only over ice but every  wintry element and she was scared of them that is why the very few paintings of her before the coronation she always wore gloves! whether this is right or wrong stay's a mystery till today...Nobody also know how she came to love her powers or what made her cause the winter because according to the very few things we know about Queen Elsa was that she was a Queen that loves her country but that is of course if she had any powers at all ...." the guide seemed to be really enjoying the way she made the listeners curios.

Throughout what the guide was saying Jack was listening very carefully to everything. He became happy and sad. Happy because someone was like him , and sad because whoever was this Queen Elsa of Arendelle is most likely to be dead. He felt really disappointed with that thought because for a moment he wished he wasn't the only one in the whole world with this gift , he also felt a little angry at himself because he was there when Queen Elsa was alive he may even have brought winter when she was still ruling the town or kingdom according to that time but he was too busy trying to make kids believe in him that he didn't bother to even stay with the adults.He was taken out of his thoughts when he heard the tour guide say " Well, let's go and look at the castle from inside now shall we! ". 

One of the kids was running too fast he almost slipped but luckily Jack used his wind to give the kid back his balance " oh my god! Chris are you Okay!? don't you ever do that again even if you and your friends visited this place more that ten times you can still get injured! " the tour guide said while running to the kid - Chris-" The same goes for everyone below 20 it doesn't make a difference if you visited this place your whole life it could still be dangerous! That goes for you too Augustus" she pointed to a blond haired teenager " am I understood?" "Yes Mam! " all the kids and teenagers replied then burst out laughing " ooh! Gus! you didn't tell me Amber was here" she gave Gus/Augustus a knowing smirk making him blush " Well anyway let's continue! " . This made Jack sure this place was strange the tour guide seems to know most of the people here by name and the kids and teens all seemed to know her well proving that they  have been here enough times to be friends with her and Jack doesn't think that the two boys might be her children maybe that Chris kid because he had similarities with her like the brown eyes and red hair but not Augustus he looked at he beginning of his 20's Jack could tell that easily but the light in the guy's grey-blue eyes reminded Jack with himself. Jack smiled knowing that not everyone that grows old, grows up too, and it could be his imagination but Augustus seemed to glance at Jack then smile. 'wha-what was that!? did that guy just see me?! It must be my imagination no teenagers could see the guardians maybe Jamie and his friend could but that is because they saw us! this guy looks 20! I must have been thinking a lot that I started imagining things...' and with that Jack dismissed the thought.

If Jack thought that the outside of the castle was amazing then the inside is magnificent! she is better with ice than he is! and that was coming from the embodiment of winter itself ! . while walking through the castle Jack wondered what would make Elsa scared of such amazing powers and keep them hidden , he did notice that the staircase leading to the castle , the chandelier and the balcony on the upper floor seemed to have broke then repaired but not by normal people by magic ' okay , this Elsa is really a magnificent mystery'  thought Jack.

Suddenly he heard the people murmuring with amazement bringing Jack out of his concentration on the ice castle . When he looked behind him he felt his heart drop to his stomach the night sky was filled with beautiful colors. for humans this was a beautiful sight but for the guardians it meant bad news " oh no..." murmured Jack and with one last look at the now beautifully colored castle (he wished he could stay just a little bit more to just enjoy looking at it's beauty but he can't because the children are in danger and he took an oath to keep them safe) he flew away.

Not noticing that half the day was gone , or that Augustus was looking at him , or that the moon shone brighter.....


A/N: i hope you liked the chapter and if you have any questions or if you are confused with something comment it! and about Augustus no he is not the one from The Fault In Our Stars ( although i love the book and Gus is my favorite character ) he is from my imagination and i discovered that Augustus in Norwegian means great, magnificent and venerable and Amber also from my imagination her name means a kind of gem stone ,Chris is also made by me I don't know the meaning of his name I named him Chris because i just like the name. Please Vote and Comment :)

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