Queen Elsa

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A/N: Hi Everyone! thank you for the comments and sorry for the cliff hanger last chapter and if you are wondering when is Elsa going to show up....well i still don't know i was planing for Jack to meet her last chapter but i didn't want to rush the story! and not much is in this chapter we only get to know more about Elsa from the Guardians point of view.....Well Enjoy!


Jack started coughing from the shock of hearing about Elsa again and the fact the she was mentioned more that once in the same day by accident made him think that Man In Moon wanted to tell him something.

"What about her?" Jack asked with a raspy voice , he thought that it was better showing that he didn't know anything but it wasn't completely a lie he really didn't know much about her he didn't even know she was the Snow Queen herself.

" Jack are you okay? " North asked looking slightly worried.

" Yes " Jack replied he then cleared his throat " What about this Snow Queen? Isn't she the evil icy woman that kidnaps kids in the story 'The Snow Queen'?" he asked remembering a book Jamie showed him.

" No, Elsa was never like that at least this is what i know,....She was always a mystery-"

" How could she be a mystery to Santa Clause himself? " Jack interrupted

" Jack, Elsa was mystery to all the Guardians " North said, earning a confused look from Jack.

" She live an isolated childhood from the age of eight because she lost control and struck her sister Anna with her powers although they were very different from each other the two sisters shared a beautiful bond, but after that accident both their parents decided that the best way to keep Elsa safe was to close the gates and keep her hidden till she learns how to control her powers, she was even kept hidden from her sister..."

" That's... That's unbelievable how could they simply steal her childhood like that?! How could they break the sister's bond like that?! " Jack asked while looking a little angry he just couldn't believe that a parent would do that to their child and make her so scared of her amazing gift.

" They were scared Jack, they didn't know what to do, they didn't even know how Elsa got her powers she was just born with them....They made a bad choice..that effected everything...."

" H-How about her sister? Was she Okay? If she was why didn't she do something about it ?! " Jack asked while running a hand through his hair

" Anna was Okay but...."

" But....? "

" But her memory of her sister's powers got erased when she healed, the poor child was completely crushed when her older sister shut her out. On almost every Christmas she asked me to make her be able to talk to her sister again....I couldn't do what she asked but...she never stopped believing in the Guardians or that she might have a bond with her sister again" North said with a small -almost sad-smile.

" What about Elsa? What happened to her after she was kept hidden from the world? " Jack asked , he didn't know what made him so curios about her, it was like she's a mystery he's trying to figure out.

" Elsa was kept locked in her room with only her parents to visit her, after a month of her isolation she seemed to have lost all the childish light in her and at such a young age it was terrible, she never left her fallen teeth under her pillow, she never celebrated Christmas... The poor girl lived in fear of her powers for years, she and her sister grew up to two beautiful young ladies although while Elsa was very graceful, Anna was very clumsy..." North chuckled at the last part but his face looked sad again " when Anna was 15 and Elsa was 18 they lost their parents to a sea storm the only people that knew about Elsa's powers and tried as much as they can to help her were dead making Elsa drown in more fear and loneliness and Elsa as the older one was to take the throne after three years. At the age of 21 Elsa was crowned Queen of Aredalle but something happened making her unleash an unending winter, she build the most beautifully crafted ice castle my eyes ever saw, she was the best when it came to ice.. "

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