The Snowflake

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A/N: Hi Everyone! sorry for the short chapter and thanks for the comment Gogo Tomago18 . she is really a good writer read her story it's called Let Me Love You! i know you guys would probably hate me after the end of this chapter but the temptation was so big i couldn't resist! Enjoy!


It took half an hour for Jack to get to the North Pole. When he arrived the other Guardians were already there.

"Look who decided to finally show up!?" Bunnymund said ( A/N: Sorry i'm not good at writing accents so just imagine them.) (or Easter Kangaroo as Jack calls him)

"Hey! It's not my fault i was...." Jack stopped he was going to tell them but this would give Bunny a chance to show how is he not taking his guardianship responsibly ' I'll just ask North about the ice castle and this Augusts later ' thought Jack " I was busy." he decided to say . That of course did not go unnoticed by Bunny.

"Okay! Now is not he time for Chit-Chat" North said or rather boomed with seriousness in his voice and a serious expression making Jack worry even more 'oh no...something is very much wrong....North is not talking like the jolly person he is ' thought Jack.

"What is wrong North?" Tooth asked with a very worried expression , it looks like she too noticed North's voice." I fear that Pitch is back" North said. This earned a collection of gasps the loudest from Tooth she still did not recover from Pitch's last attack it also earned a very shocked expression form Sandy.

" Are you sure? Mate, don't tell me it's your belly i got over a thousand eggs to paint" Bunny said with an angry expression as if he already knew what North was going to say . North looked at Bunny sheepishly and said "Well....N-Yes...."

Jack had to keep himself from laughing at the scene.North then replied with courage"BUT my belly is always right! like last time!"

"last time you saw Pitch's shadow this time you got nothing! maybe you had too much cookies! "

"One can't have too much cookies!"

" Wait! North you had cookies again didn't i tell you to stop for a while because they are bad for your teeth!?" interjected Tooth

'How did a serious guardian meeting turn to an important discussion about cookies?' Jack thought. Now since the others are busy the only ones left are him and Sandy-Wait scratch that Sandy is sleeping so only Jack - is left in the room that actually wants to start the meeting ( to get back to the ice castle after it )

After a while of unending arguing about-well Jack stopped listening after North began saying the importance of cookies- Jack noticed that the Moon was shining brighter through the opening in the ceiling. "Uhh...Guys?" Jack said but that did nothing " Guys! " again no avail so Jack raised his staff and hit it on the ground making ice appear under him " GUYS! ". Now that got their attention " What? " they all said / signed at the same time." This...." Jack said while pointing to the moon.

"Ahh...Mani good to see you again my old friend , Jack why didn't you say something earlier? " North said , "What?! but I- " Jack got cutoff by a hand on his mouth - a sand hand - ' No, let them be, they did the same to me before' Sandy signed then pointed to the moon, Jack understood him ( because three years of learning Sandy's sign language was something he had to learn and because it was fun ) and silently nodded. the moon's light rays hit the ground and shadow shapes started to appear.

A hand with a snowflake above it appeared then Pitch appeared using an hour glass and passing through a portal, after that Pitch's hand appeared taking the snowflake from the hand that first appeared just then this hand looked like it's owner was in pain because the hand looked like it was shocked with electricity then balled into fists and then it turned limp showing that the owner of the hand was dead and lastly Pitch was shown while freezing the world with ice...the light rays faded after that.

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