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After spin the bottle, Hairo played a few songs then set up the karaoke. By that I mean he found the YouTube karaoke version of whatever song was chosen and turned the laptop around so the singer could see the words.

Teruhashi and Toritsuka went up first singing Barbie Girl. Toritsuka paid her to sing with him of course but he wanted to sing WAP. It was a suprise to no one that Teruhashi didn't want to sing that. They settled at the other song but the purple haired boy with the bandana still tried to kiss the pretty girl at the end of the song. Aren pulled him away and he was thrown out the house.

Then after that Nendo was up to sing. Most people rushed out of the building into the front garden to 'get fresh air' before the opening notes played, you didn't need psychic powers to see that they just wanted to escape Nendo's singing. To everyones suprise (and horror) the boy began to sing Welcome to the Black Parade.

Shun and Aren stayed in the room so as Riki sung he wouldn't completely alone however when the music began Kaidou seemed to zone out. He mouthed all the words, not even noticing Nendo's horrendous singing. He didn't miss a single lyric, although Nendo did; Kuboyasu didn't know whether to be worried or impressed.

Everyone began to filter back in once Nendo's awful performance ended. "Okay everyone, we are now going to take a short break!" Hairo announced before shuffling a Spotify playlist he clearly spent hours on. 

"Saiki, why did you come to this party? You don't like social interaction." Kuboyasu asked with a slight laugh in an attempt to make conversation. Him, Saiki, Nendo and Shun were all standing in a little circle in the corner, mainly because they weren't too fond of the other guests.

"Oh I don't like people, I do like gay anime ships though." Saiki said before taking another sip of his drink. The other three stood in silence before Shun shrugged and gestured for Aren to join him on the area people were using as a dance floor to dance with him.

Neither of them were very good at dancing- especially to the Taylor Swift song that was playing- but they pretended that they knew what they were doing by bopping their head to the music and slightly moving their legs.

This isn't the type of dancing Aren had in mind for his plan for the evening but he still should go for it he thought. He had too, he couldn't hide the crush much longer. He took a deep, steady breath and looked at Shun in his sparkling eyes. The eye contact made Aren's hand go a bit warm and sweaty but he tried to push that to the back if his head, it couldn't ruin the moment.

"Shun, I've known you for a while now.' Aren tried his best to speak clearly despite his nerves. He really should have planned his speech before he just jumped in. "Well, I've done some thinking and well, you're-"

Kuboyasu was cut off by Hairo turning down the music once again to make another announcement. "Now it's time for our next karaoke singers. Kaidou and Aren!" The tall boys heart sang, twice this evening he had tried to confess his love yet it had failed both times. 

The small blue haired boy's face lit up before he grabbed Aren's hand to pull him to the front of the room where the laptop was set up. A few people in the room began to applaud and one person even whistled. Shun was trying to conceal his excitement for the song, as he high key Gaga stan he is, but also tried to show to his friend that he was listening.

"We can talk later," Aren said with a weak smile, sighing. Shun nodded and smiled at the YouTube video open on the laptop. It was then Kuboyasu remembered his sweaty hands, one of which Shun still was holding from when he was pulled over. Frick. Shun looked down at their hands, still clasped together and immediately let go. FRICK. 

"It's okay if your nervous Kuboyasu, you'll be wonderful. I would hold your hand more, to help calm you down, but I would be distracted while singing." Shun said in a hushed tone before looking away from him. Aren thought this meant he hated him, even after the heartfelt message but in reality he turned away to hide a blush.

A small intro to the video played, to promote the karaoke YouTube channel and to give a count down to the song, yet no one was ready for the performance they were about to receive. Kaidou immediately began to belt the beginning of the song as if he was a preteen girl in her bedroom but also nailing every note at the same time.

Aren tried to put in the same effort into the lines but it was hard to sing about love when you have the biggest crush on who your singing it with. It turned out it was alcohol in the drink because about half way through Kuboyasu began to loosen up, by that I mean he forgot to care. 

The two put on an amazing show: Kaidou spoke the French fluently, Aren belted each word he spoke and actually did quite well, they both turned slightly towards each other when singing 'I want your love, I don't wanna to be friends' but it wasn't enough for anyone to notice. Glee was quaking. 

Once the duet finished, everyone sat in a stunned silence before erupting into a thunderous round of applause. Their show used up all their energy but the adrenaline pumping through both their veins made them feel like they could do it all again.

The applause and cheers stopped suddenly when all the lights shut off ad the room was sent into darkness. No one could see anything that wasn't a centimetre away from their eyes.  A second or too later, from the blackness someone yelled, "HELP IT'S THE DARK REUNION!"  expecting Kaidou run to help them. However the boy did the opposite. He screamed.

Over all the giggles from people around the room, Aren could hear whimpers comping from next to him and his heart dropped. How could someone do that? The lights were flicked on when everyone realized Shun wasn't doing anything, it revealed the boy curled in a ball on the floor crying with fear.

This is probably the bad time for this, after that happened, but I had an idea!! Okay because i love this ship so much I've decided to write out all of Bad Romance but highlighting who sings what parts. Anyway, if anyone cares i'll post that on my other account because i don't want to clog up this story with things that aren't in the plot :).

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Kaidou Shun vs his Homosexual Tendencies  (Kaidou x Aren)Where stories live. Discover now