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The pair climbed back through the whole in the fence together (with Saiki trailing behind as well, obviously) and headed to Aren's house. Kaidou kept stealing glances to his friend, his stomach bubbling each time. God, he thought to himself, why is he just so perfect and cool and like *gay panic*.

Of course, Shun was aware of Aren's, well, hotness but so was anyone with working eyes eyes and even the slightest attraction to men. Yet, ever since he realized his feelings (literally about five minutes ago) it was if all his emotions towards him had all times by a hundred.

The rain was gradually growing heavier and the boy started to panic, it seemed liked Kuboyasu's house was miles away, he didn't want his eyeliner to run for the second time that day, sleepless racoon wasn't a good look on him. . The concrete path paving the side of the side of the road was being painted by small drops of water and the clouds were building up in the sky. 

Kaidou kicked a small stone down the path, enjoying the comfortable science the pair had built up, despite the fear of his makeup getting ruined. Aren smiled at the boy. Unlike Shun, Kuboyasu had been aware of his crush for a while. Okay, more than a while. Pretty much since he joined the school. It was small things, like kicking stones for example, that made the tall boys heart swell.

Gradually the rain was getting heavier and only Aren had a coat, Saiki did too but this isn't about him. (I'm very sorry Saiki. I love you). The blue haired boy wrapped his arms around himself to try and heat himself up, he seriously should have brought a jacket.

Noticing his friends discomfort, Aren let out a short sigh and took of his black and white jacket and wrapped it over Kaidou's shoulders. How was Kaidou not aware of Kuboyasu's feelings? He was not trying to hide it. Like, at all. Shun smiled and blushed like a strawberry; pushing his arms through the sleeves and zipping it all the way up.

It was far too big on the small boy and the fabric swallowed him whole. Aren flushed a pale pink at the sight of him and covered his face to hide it. See look at that, no crush-hiding action. Kaidou tucked the lower part of his head under the neck of his friends jacket and snuggled in as they continued walking.

As he cuddled in, he caught a bit of Kuboyasu's smell. It smelled exactly how he imagined but nothing like he had ever smelt before. Like, campfires mixed with new books mixed with fabreeze. Like Aren.

Yeah, okay. How did Kuboyasu not know about Kaidou's feelings? They are so oblivious. Someone help these poor gays. Please.

"Oh we are here." Aren smiled, gently tapping on his shoulder. The house was slightly beaten down with chipped paint and a scruffy front garden. It was clear that at some point it was tried to be cleared up, plant pots dotted places and such. On the concrete out the front there was a suspicious looking red stain but Kaidou didn't question it.

"Nice." Kaidou smiled, walking down the drive way, following his friend to the chipped door. Kuboyasu fished around his pocket his keys before putting them into the lock and opening in the door. As the tall teen put the keys back into his jeans, Shun caught sight of his keyring. Oh, its Sangwoo and Yoonbum. WAIT WHAT. (We aren't going to talk about the fact Kaidou's read it.)

Like the outside of the house, the inside was scruffy too. Wallpaper was only in patches on the walls and there were piles of things in most corners. The living room, which the first walked into, contained a small table in the middle and a sofa by the wall that had a few rips in. It smelled just like a bigger version of Kuboyasu's jacket, which Kaidou had no intenton of returning any time soon.

"Take a seat, I'll go make us a drink." Aren smiled and headed to the kitchen area as Kaidou slumped into the sofa. "What do you want, Shun?"

Shun. Shun. SHUN.

That was Kaidou's first name and no one had ever called him that apart from his family. How does he even reply to that? Is he taking too long to reply?

"Wait I'm sorry, is that not you're name?" Aren quickly, alarmed by Kaidou's lack of a response.

"No, it's just... you've never called me that." his face flushed a slight pink and he fiddled with his bandage on his arm. "I... I liked it."

Aren's face immediately relaxed and a thin smile appeared on it. "Well, you call me my first name and you're at my house now so I guess it's a good time. "

Kaidou hadn't even realised he was using Aren's first name. Should he have also waited to make a big deal out of it? He didn't event check if Aren was okay with it. Dammit Shun.

Kuboyasu pushed his glasses back and leaned on the wall a bit, crossing his arms, "So, Shun, what do you want to drink?"

'SKBSJSKSJSKSNSKSK. WHY AM I SO GAY A H.' -Kaidou Shun's thoughts 2020. Recorded by Saiki Kusuo.

"I, uh, whatever really, Aren." Kaidou said smiling up at him. Both their faces grew more red and neither if them could hide a grin. It was lucky Aren had gone into the kitchen to make the drinks or they would have seen eachother in that state. (Let's be honest, it wouldn't make a difference. Kaidou could kiss Aren, wear a shirt that says 'I'm in love with Aren Kuboyasu' and propose right on the spot for Kuboyasu to even get the suspicion that Shun likes him.)

If you were wondering, Saiki is outside the house and looking in from a window. He thought it would be rude to go into Aren's house when he wasn't invited, invisible or not. Saiki had also swapped his shoe for a pack of popcorn he had in the cupboard at home so he had a snack while he watched the gay drama go down.

"Hey I had an idea! We could watch a film." Aren walked back into the room holding two glasses of Cyborg Ciderman Number 2's famous soda. Kaidou smiled and nodded, taking a glass from his friend.

"I have Shrek?" The boy with purple hair grinned, opening the case and sliding the iconic CD into the player and switched on the television. He looked over to Shun wrapped up warm in his jacket and smiled. Suddenly a chill rushed over him as he fell next to his friend on the seat. 

"I'm a bit cold," Aren said with a laugh looking down to Kaidou, who returned the look.

"Do you want the jacket back?" He sighed and fiddled with the cuffes on the sleeves, witha whisper he added "or we could cuddle. For heat, obviously." Kuboysau nodded, scooting over to his smaller friend. Slowly, as the  movie began, Shuns head dropped onto Aren's shoulder. 


Kaidou Shun vs his Homosexual Tendencies  (Kaidou x Aren)Where stories live. Discover now