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Kaidou sat scrolling through is Wattpad notifications as he eagerly waited for the daily message from Aren. Every morning Shun's boyfriend would send him a text to tell him he's nearly at his house so they could walk to meet the others to go to school.

He was perched on the kitchen counter next to the sink, swinging his legs and humming the Miraculous Ladybug theme song that he had gotten stuck into his head. Usually when his mother was home she would yell at him for stilling in places that weren't chairs, like the counter. However, that morning she had to leave early to visit her family out of town for the day which meant Kaidou could do what he wanted.

This was a part of Kaidou's morning routine for a while now. Get up. Get dressed. Wait for Aren. Yet, most days at this time Kuboyasu had sent him a text to confirm that he had left his house. Sheer panic creeped upon him. Maybe this was the first sign of them breaking up or maybe he was in danger or maybe he-

A notification popped up on the top of his screen. Peace was once again restored.

Shun immediately tapped it and began to read the message: Sorry Shun I have a temperature and I don't think I can come to school today. Kaidou's heart dropped. There was an endless list of things that could go wrong if his boyfriend wasn't at school to protect him. Above all of that, Shun would miss him.

You would think that since he had lower then average grades at school Kaidou wasn't the smartest. However due to him being the biggest simp the human race may have ever seen, his  brain could do almost anything in order to achieve an Aren-related goal. In the top cupboard in the kitchen, there was a thermometer that the boy grabbed and held to the lightbulb in the centre of the ceiling. Kaidou remembered seeing a similar thing happen in a cheese teen movie one time. Quickly, the thermometer read an unhealthy temperature.

A triumphant grin brushed over his face as he snapped an image or two of the reading and send them to his mother with the caption 'i don't think i can go to school. i'm sorry'. His mother would probably set him extra work that night to make up for the 'learning lost' but this way he could still spend the day with his favourite person.

After a theatre style quick-change from his uniform into his usual aesthetic of chains and black clothing, he left the house and headed down the street. Kuboyasu didn't live too far away from Shun so it never took them much longer than ten minutes to walk to each others houses. Kaidou had been to his boyfriends house many times within the last few months of them meeting yet he still got nervous every time he had to knock on the door just in case he accidentally got the wrong house.

He brushed down his shirt and ran his fingers through his hair as we waited for Kuboyasu to answer the door.  He peered through the little window he saw the hallway that he had definitely seen before, confirming that this was most likely his boyfriends house. He saw lots of little boxes and such but no Aren. Patiently tapped the door but again no answer.

He could just run his partner a text to tell him where he was but that would mean ruining the cute surprise that Shun had planned out the entirety of the walk there. The only solution (in Shun's mind) was to hope the door was unlocked and to sneak inside.

Was it smart to go into his boyfriends house (a very tall and muscular person) without his knowledge, allowing him to think he was a burglar?


Was he going to attempt any way?


Kaidou tugged lightly on the door handle and, thankfully, it was unlocked. He proudly swung the door open with a grin, happy that his plan of opening a door was successful. The grin faltered immediately when the hinges on the door creaked loudly, echoing through the house.

Shun stood in the front of the hallway, the door still wide open, as heavy footsteps ran around upstairs. "Hello!" The familiar voice of Aren shouted as he made it to the landing of the stairs. Kuboyasu must have thought he was home alone, partly due to the shouting, but also due to his fluffy brown puppy dog slippers of his feet.

"Kai-kaidou, why are you here?" he stuttered while kicking away his slippers as his face flushed red. "Don't you have to go to school?"

"Nope," he closed the door and began to climb the stairs to meet Aren on the landing, "I managed to  fake a temperature and get the day off." His face beamed at his boyfriend.

The taller teens face softened before he broke out into a coughing fit, accidentally ruining the wholesome mood. A solid twenty second of wheezing passed when he finally could breathe properly again. Kaidou, once again wanting to be cute, reached up on the tip of his toes to rest a hand in his forehead.

"You're boiling!" he exclaimed grabbing hold of Aren's hand to directing him into his bedroom. He gently nudged him into the bed and tucked in the covers around him.

The taller boy resisted the urge to smile. "You don't have to do this. Shun, what if you get sick?" he protested, sniffing his nose to stop it running.

"If I get sick its more time I get to spend with you!" he kissed his forehead and picked up the box of tissues from Aren's neatly organised desk and placed them on his bedside table. "I'll go make you some breakfast." He said with a sing-song voice.

"No," Aren said sitting up in his bed. He shuffled a bit to the side and moved a pillow about. "I wanna cuddle a bit please."

Aren was just the same amount of simp as Kaidou.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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