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It was an uneventful morning that Monday. The lessons were normal and everyone who was usually in class was there. If you were anyone else at the school it would have seemed perfectly average. However to Kaidou and Aren it was a equally terrifying and exciting day.

As they do ever day, the group (Aren, Kaidou, Saiki and Nendo) met up at the corner to walk to school together. However, the new boyfriends decided that Aren would pick Shun up from his house so they could meet up with the rest of their friends together. This way they could also spend a few more minutes just with eachother.

During that time, they talked about how they could hold hands in the corridors and sneak kisses between lessons. The realisation quickly hit, however, that to do that without horrible rumours being spread, they would have to come out.

Lunch quickly rolled around and both Aren and Kaidou's stomach were in knots. He hadn't noticed it recently but their friend group had grown quite a bit. Saiki had drawn in lots of girls from their class, main two being Teruhashi and Yumehara. Mera also visited time to time as well as Hairo (but he only talked to Nendo). They didn't think anyone would be homophobic but each of the two had a sence if fear in the back of their minds.

The purple and blue haired boys were texting eachother, although sitting next to right beside one another, to think of a game plan. 'Should we just come out to all of them?' Aren typed first, quickly looking up to Shun to see if the message arrived. They hadn't really had a chance to become close to the new members of their group so Kuboyasu wanted to see if his partner was fine with coming out to them all.

Soon after, Shun's phone buzzed and he picked it up straight away. 'Okay' he sent, butterflies swarming his stomach. 'Now???' The other boy didn't type a reply to the message, he just nodded and looked out to their group of friends.

The taller one of the pair cleared his throat and the circle of friends eventually began to quiet down. It turned out that the group being silent was much worse than them all talking. It now felt life it was actually about to happen.

"Hi guys," Aren started fumbling underneath the table they were eating at for Shun's hand. They soon grabbed eachothers hand for support and squeezed it tightly, they were both incredibly nervous. "I- um. I mean we, have something we would like to say."

Every single pair of eyes in the small audience they had flicked to Kaidou who awkwardly smiled then looked back at Kuboyasu. He was praying that he would say everything fast and get it over with.

Saiki was busy reading the groups mind, as if he could help it, and he discovered that the rest of the group thought they were going to say something about what happened at the party. This is a reasonable thought baring in mind what happened however you could clearly see that the pair where holding hand currently underneath the table.

"Me and Kaidou are, um. Were like kinda, well not kinda we definitely are but like, well-" It was painfully obvious that their friends were getting bored. Yumehara had started painting her nails, Hairo began some stretches and Mera was eating the rest of the groups food. Teruhashi was the only one trying to pay attention but she probably just wanted for them to finish what they wanted to say.

The shorter boyfriend, seeing all of this decided to take over. It was a quick spur of the moment thing and it happened so fast. "Me and Aren are boyfriends!" He rushed, ripping off the hypothetical bandaid.

This time the group was paying attention. No one dared to talk which created a both awkward and scary environment. Teruhashi, being the perfect pretty girl, spoke up before anyone else, "Well done, we are so proud of you!".

Immediately the others began to talk too, their voices crashing over eachother. Phrases such as 'That's so great!', 'You're so cute together!' and 'It's Monday, right.' (they assumed that one was from Nendo) could be heard from the commotion.

"Oh my god! Kaidou and Aren can come to our sleepovers now!" Yumehara excitedly said, turning to Teruhashi. As she did so Toritsuka, who was previously flirting with some other girls and failing, span around to face them.

"Hello ladies," he said with a wink that came off more creepy than seductive, "I hear you're now inviting men to your sleepovers." Noticing how uncomfortable the girls were, Aren gently rose from his seat to tower over Reita.

"What was that Toritsuka?" He said in a voice that could have scared anyone, apart from Kaidou who found it very attractive and became a blushing mess in his seat. Toritsuka didn't reply and instead ran out of the room.

"If we are coming out," The group turned to look at Mera, who had just spoken. "I'm a lesbian!" The group thundered with support and applause.

Kaidou and Aren's plan was just to come out to their friends but the response they got was better than what they could have hoped for. Now they were going round the circle and each person was coming out.

"I'm gay!" Hairo smiled, immediately turning to Nendo once he said it. Everyone applauded.

"I think I'm bi," Yumehara whispered, looking at the floor and fiddling with the sleeve of her jacket,"but I don't know, maybe." Everyone applauded.

"I'm an Ally!" Teruhashi beamed to everyone who smiled back to her. They gave a small applause to her because they all thought that she probably believed 'Ally' is what the A stood for in LGBTQIA.

Next to Teruhashi sat Saiki. This meant that he was the next to come out. The most he had communicated that lunch was by giving the boyfriends a little thumbs up after they came out.

"I'm ace," Saiki said in his usual monotone voice, he wanted to come out eventually and he might as well when everyone else was. "I'm aro too." Everyone, like with everyone else, applauded."

"And I'm a lesbian!" Nendo said with the biggest smile. The group was silent.

"So are you like a he/him lesbian? Are you trans? Do you like girls?" Hairo asked turning to Nendo.

"Oh no I just shaved my eyebrows. I thought that's what a lesbian was. I like dudes." The group applauded.

Kaidou Shun vs his Homosexual Tendencies  (Kaidou x Aren)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin