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Aren walked home with a numb expression on his face. He had no idea if Shun had turned up to the den, let alone saw the message he left for him. Maybe if he had turned up at the hideout they had created like his friend would have expected him too then his apology would go better. Then again, his nerves would be too hard to control and he might not get round to confessing his feelings.

In hindsight, it was a pretty bad time and way to say you love someone. Not only might Kaidou not share the same opinion on him but they had just fallen out and they were yet to forgive each other. Suddenly, a thought popped into his mind. If he quickly ran back to the den and picked up the note and left then Shun would see the bandages and understand his apology. 

Aren took a deep breath and turned to face the way he came from, his heart was already hammering in his chest before he even started to move. Eventually, he picked up his feet and began a slight jog down the path. If he could just reach the den before Kaidou then it would all be okay; it had to be.

The wind was blowing the opposite way to which Kuboyasu was running so the breeze blew into his face and through his hair. He felt like the main character in a film or a chase scene, the reality, however, was always lingering at the back of his head. It was funny, ever since he met Shun, Kaidou had been Aren's motivation to do anything. He was truly his whole world and hopefully soon he would have a chance to tell him.

Surprising even himself, Aren arrived at the gap in the trees faster than he ever had before. The sky was darkening and the air was cool making the thin pathway between the trees look eerie and alone. Despite this, the teen didn't stop running. He had to get to their meeting spot.

Kuboyasu tripped and staggered as he ran through down the path, the trees blocking out any of the light that was still in the sky. Each fumble encouraged Aren to run harder until finally he reached the den in the clearing at the middle. A hopeful smile creeped on to his face but as he looked at the den closer he noticed a light shining through the curtain walls, Shun was already inside.

Aren felt a soul crushing wave of defeat wash over him. It was inevitable, Shun must have read the note and he must hate him. It was a stupid time to confess your feelings, Aren knew that, and yet he still did. He sighed, trying hard to not let tears run down his face as he turned to face the pathway into the woods. He began to walk home as the sky got darker, feeling slightly guilty for not even telling Shun to go home too. 

"Aren?" A familiar voice called out to him. It was....Saiki? "Aren you better go into that den and see that boy!" 

"Saiki," Kuboyasu paused, so many questions flew through his head. Where was he? Why was he telling him to go see Kaidou? Why was he here? Yet all he managed to say was a simple 'okay'. 

Hesitating for a second, Kuboyasu built up all the strength he could and took a deep breath. This was it. This was the moment Aren, Saiki, and all of the readers have been waiting for. Carefully, he walked towards the dens entrance, his brain still telling him to turn around. 

As if it was going to burst straight out of his chest, Aren's heart thundered. He desperately wanted to turn back but he knew that he would get told off again, by ghost Saiki, and on the small chance Kaidou didn't hate him he had to be there. His shaky hand held on the curtain and waited for a second or two before pulling it back. 

The fabric door was open however Kuboyasu's eyes were glued shut. Heaven knows what he was going to see. The boy expected to hear Kaidou say something to him, yell something at him but when he finally opened his eyes he saw his crush standing a few metres in front of him holding the note in tears.

It took Aren a couple of seconds to realise that these weren't tears of anger but tears of joy. He wasn't angry at him but happy that he liked him. Kuboyasu gasped and his face lit up. He quickly crossed the room to his friend and scooped him up into a hug, which Kaidou returned. They stood for a few seconds in the embrace before Kuboyasu noticed the red bandages still laying on a pillow in the corner.

"Hey, don't you wanna wear these."  Kuboyasu mentioned, breaking the hug to pick up the bandages. He still wore the triumphant smile on his face as he brought the ribbons to Kaidou.

"Oh," Kaidou said, with a nervous laugh paired with a now clearly fake smile. "I'm not sure if I really believe in them anymore and anyway I don't wanna be picked on." 

"Look, Kaidou. Please don't let other people be the reason you don't want to be yourself. I'll make sure to beat anyone up if they are mean to you in the future, I promise." His voice was strong and meaningful. He really meant this.

Shun smiled for a second at Aren's words but it soon flickered away when his thoughts changed. "Aren," he started, "Thank you but I don't really believe in them anymore because I never really did. Not fully anyway."

Kuboyasu looked confused but before he could say anything Kaidou continued. "When I first joined PK I met a boy called Mineo Nobuaki. He was the first person to ever made me feel like I was included in something. Mineo  was the one to tell me about the dark Reunion so I guess I related the good feeling of friendship being the Jet Black Wings so I kinda never gave up. You were the next person to make me feel special, Aren, so I guess that's why I was upset the other day. I'm sorry."

Kuboyasu nodded and looked into his eyes,"Don't be sorry, okay. Emotions are crazy." They both laughed but genuinely this time.

Kaidou Shun vs his Homosexual Tendencies  (Kaidou x Aren)Where stories live. Discover now