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What if they took him when they left his house? What would happen then? They would steal his powers.

Wait no.

Shun laughted to himself and at the stupidity of the Dark Reunion, it was a dangerous game going up against Jet Black Wings. They would try steal his powers but he had his ribbons and he could fight them. He had taken down their Murder Dragoram Snake before.

His theme song rattled around his head as he opened the door again in battle pose, ready to destroy all that stands in his way.

"Oh Saiki," Kaidou stood awkwardly at the doorway, immediately blushing, "How did you know I was still home."

"It just seemed pretty obvious." He replied simply while walking down the path, kaidou followed. The crowd had moved on now and teruhashi was well on her way to school.

She was always early because she was so perfect, it was actually quite funny. Saiki is the only boy that he knew of that hadn't said "Oh wow!" to her, but he never had liked anyone like that. Kaidou didn't have a crush in her either, he mainly just liked her outfits.

The two didn't speak much on the way to school, it would usually be Kaidou and Nendo starting a meaningless argument and Saiki rolling his eyes every few minutes. Now they didnt have much to talk about, well they did but Kaidou thought it would be easier to announce to the whole class about the danger he and his friends were in.

Every couple of seconds, Shun's eyes darted round the street they were walking on the look out for anything dangerous. Although he hated to admit it, Kaidou was nervous.

The school was now in veiw and you could see all the groups of friends walking to school together. Nendo was asleep on a bench outside the school, someone had drawn some rude words on his face, no one decided to wake him. He would probably punch you as a reflex if you did and, judging by his size, you may die.

The more people Shun saw, the more his anxiety grew. Anyone of the people around him could be out to kill him, they could be sending messages to the base of the Dark Reunion. They already had his location.

As the pair walked through the school gates, Matsuzaki was shouting at a group of boys for starting fight or something just as
stupid. It seemed like a normal day but oh how it all could change. One wrong move from Kaidou and they all could be dead in minutes.

Hairo was bouncing a ball against the wall right by the school entrance as the boys walked through. The red-head waved at them between throws and called out saiki's name yet he pretended not to hear him.

The school was busy as usual and for some reason this calmed Kaidous nerves a bit. He thought the people would make him feel unsafe, just like they did a few seconds ago. Maybe it was that he had more protection now.

The boys had been going to school long enough that by now they changed their shoes and walked up to their home room without having to think about it like robots.When their arrived they saw the class full of their friends standing together in groups.

This was the perfect time.

"Guys!" Kaidou called as he began to climb on top of the teachers desk, in the least graceful way possible. "Guys," he repeated as he eventually stood up," We are all in danger."

A few students giggled at shuns outburst and a few others gasped. "This morning I saw the work of the Dark Reunion with my own eyes." Jet Black Wings then explained the whole story as the class slowly began to turn back to their friends. They all had their hands or notebooks in front of their mouths to try not to burst out laughing. Teruhashi was trying to look concerned for Kaidou but even she was holding in a snicker.

"No seriously, everyone." His face dropped from fear to sadness. Saiki, knowing exactly what had happened held out a hand to help him down from the desk to avoid further embarrassment.

See, this morning when the car was heading for Teruhashi, Saiki was there and simply moved the car a few streets over as not to hit everyone. He then used mind control to remove the memory, but this is when Shun had ran inside. Also, however much he felt like it was needed, he could only use mind control once in one day so Kaidou was left in an awkward mess.

"You believe me, Saiki? Right?" a single tear rolled down Shuns face but it was  impossible to notice as he pretended to brush his hair back. He also had a horribly forced smile plastered on his face.

Kusuo shook his head, not wanting to stand out or look too weird to his class mates. Kaidous smile somehow looked worse, a few more tears leaked from his eyes and he nodded in attempt to hide it.

"Yeah, okay. I need to go to the toilet." He was definitely going to go cry in the bathroom stalls. As he left the classroom, he bumped into Kuboyasu and Nendo walking together.

"Hey Kaidou, what's wrong?" Aren  looked down at the upset teen. The pair had only had a few brief conversations but nothing that would make them exactly friends. He remembered his name, Shun sniffed and looked up at him.

"O-oh um do you k-now the Dark Reuni-union?" He wasn't even trying to hide his tears now "because I saw them this morning an-and no one believes me."

Black eyeliner dripped down his pale cheeks as he cried making him look like a edgy panda. Aren looked round to say something to Nendo but he was already in the classroom annoying Saiki.

"I didn't know you knew about the Dark Reunion. We should go was your face then get you to class. They can't know you've been crying they could see that as weak."

Kaidou nodded and followed Kuboyasu down to the bathroom. The pair were quiet for a few seconds before Aren continued talking.

"Not that crying is weak. Lots of boys cry. I've cried a few times. I think is a good thing that people cry it's just the Reunion might attack you so.. " He tried to laugh to hide how uncomfortable he was, he didn't want to insult a possible new partner... in crime.

Dispite his efforts, Kaidou didn't notice, he was too wrapped up in the fact that someone believed him. A true friend.

Kaidou Shun vs his Homosexual Tendencies  (Kaidou x Aren)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن