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Kaidou looked in the toilet mirror with Aren behind him. His nose was still sniffly but he gave a weak smile to his new friend who returned it. The black eyeliner streaks had been wiped away but his eyes were still red and puffy.

"Hey, uh, Aren?" Shun said  turning round to face him. "Why did you help me? Now no one will like you anymore and I know you're new to the school. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, they should be sorry. Look what they did to you. And of course I helped you, we're bros right?" Aren bent down a bit to look Kaidou in the eyes. His voice was quiet but angry.

Shuns face went a little redder at his words. Its because he has a friend now. Yes. The only reason he blushed when a tall, attractive boy looked him in the eyes and talked to him was that he had a friend. Yes. Completely. Haha.


"Yeah, bros." The pair grinned at eachother and headed back to the class room. It was obvious that most of the class were going to laugh again, they both knew that. Yet now Kaidou didn't care, not when Aren was there.

The purple and blue haired boys didn't talk as they walked the hall together, they were just comfortable with being around eachother.

Time Skip Brought To You By Nendo's Haircut.

"Hey, Kaidou! Kaidou!"

It was lunch and most of the class had returned to the home room to eat. Shun was sitting in his usual seat scribbling  in his notepad with occasional breaks to snack on a few things.

"Kaidou!" Someone was calling for him.

He gazed up for a few seconds to see who was talking to him, half out of fear and the other half out of delight. Someone could want to talk to him or they could just want to pick on him. It was a girl with curly red hair, who was sitting with teruhashi. She was staring at him while she ate her lunch.

"Yeah?" Kiadou was prepared to be made fun of and started fiddling with the ribbons on his hands. It was a habit he developed every time he was nervous.

"What are you writing in your book?" Her voice quivered half way through the sentence like she was holding back a laugh. However he didnt notice, his thoughts took over. Oh my god. She cares about what I'm writing. Another new friend.

Kiadou giggled with excitement and opened his notebook to the first page. "These are my plans to defeat the Dark Reunion." He held up his notes to show her and her friends that had now taken notice. "I have my super hero suit planned out. I've been taking notes about other super heros that I plan to be like. I try and train after school."

The group of girls immediately lauging and mimicking his voice and outfit he drew. The bubble of happiness he had built so far that day just burst. It wasn't long until drips of tears landed on his book, making the ink smudge together.

"Hey!" A voice silenced the group. "Hey, do not talk about my friend like that. You're lucky you're a group of girls or you would have just started a fight."

You could see the anger exploding from Aren as he stood over them looking at each one like dirt. Kaidou looked up and brushed away his tears and took a deep breath.

"Come sit with us, Kaidou." The ex-punk gestured towards where him, Nendo and Saiki were sitting. He nodded and began to walk over to his friend as Kuboyasu pulled up a chair for him. 'Thank you' the shorter boy mouthed sitting in the chair that was inbetween Saiki and Aren.

Shun listened to his friends joking about random things around him and joined in a few times. He didn't want this lunch break to end; this was the first time he actually felt like people cared about him.

The worries he had about the Dark Reunion had almost vanished. Almost. He still had to prepare for his next encounter with them.

"Uhh, Aren." His hands subconsciously statted playing with his ribbons again, "I was wondering if you would like to train with me. For you know, The Dark Reunion."

The boy with purple hair smiled and nodded. "After school. Meet me in the grassy bit in the woods. We can train with no disruptions." 

"Okay. Great. Yeah." Kaidou grinned the widest he had all day and blushed again. Aren continued his conversation with Nendo but Saiki was looking at Aren as if he could read his thoughts.

He could of course and he seemed to actually enjoy reading Kuboyasu's. The things that go on in peoples heads are much more interesting than what happens in TV screens it's so predictable and in heads no one knows how the story line will go.

The things going on inside Arens head were incredibly interesting that day. Saiki ready knew that Aren had a crush on Kaidou, you didnt need mind reading skills for that (although Shun was oblivious). Today, Kuboyasu's brain was filled with joy from being able to protect him. I mean what a simp, seriously.

Kaidou's brain was a whole different matter. He seemed to like Aren but he was mistaking it for friendship, internalized homophobia perhaps, and is thrilled to have a 'bro'. Kusuo felt like grabbing some popcorn and just waiting to see how this relationship plays out.

Kaidou Shun vs his Homosexual Tendencies  (Kaidou x Aren)Where stories live. Discover now