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Everyone loves a good plot twist, Saiki was no exception but with normal shows or books all he would have to do was walk to school and back and he would get spoilers for everything since he could read minds. So when Kaidou ran out from the party, sure, he was sad for then but he was so excited that a plot wouldn't ruined. He almost considered smiling!

Sadly, this did mean that Kusuo had to teleport into each of the boys houses regularly to read their minds and know what they're doing to get the whole story. Remember kids, it's not breaking in if they dont know you're doing it.

Saiki visited Kaidou's house first, making sure to teleport while he was invisible. When he arrived, the room was dark and the walls were more plain than last time he visited (he gets bored sometimes okay and he finds it funny to see Kaidou pose in the mirror). Usually the walls are decorated with posters of super heros with drawings and notes about them that Shun wrote. Now the walls were bare; other his Hamilton poster (obviously).

Shun himself was curled up in his bed and it looked like he hadn't moved in a while. He was definitely awake, his thoughts didn't seem dreamlike. Everyone knows that Saiki can read minds, apart from everyone who actually knows him ironically, but he can also read underlining feelings and thoughts that people had. This meant that he knew what Shun was feeling and what he was just telling himself.

In Shun's mind, there was a battle going on. Kusuo could tell that he still wanted to he friends with Aren. He still wanted to be more than friends with Aren.

He lied to me like I was an ignorant child that he had to  humor. But he was going to say something, I should have let him finish. But whatever he could have said, he should have said it before. But he was going to tell me something before the karaoke. He should have just lied to me and said what he was going to say later when I was calmer. But lying is what I'm angry at him for.

Saiki wanted to do something to help him yet one) apart from controlling his brain completely their was nothing he could do to and two) he wouldn't get anything out of it. It would benefit him more if he just sat back, recorded the thoughts for the readers and watch the story line unfold, which he was doing.

After about five minutes of sitting in the corner of Shun's room like a stalker, Saiki teleported to Aren's house to see how he was dealing with it all. When he arrived in the punk's room, he saw that he wasn't dealing with his emotions the same way his friend was.

Kuboyasu's bedroom was usually just as scruffy as the rest of his house; clothes on the floor, magazines and books open everywhere and his bed sheets thrown over his bed. Yet since the night before and unlike Kaidou's room, Aren's was light with the curtains open and the whole room cleaned.

The boy was probably trying to make his room tidy to make him feel better or he was pushing out the sad thoughts by cleaning. Either way his room now looked incredible. The bed sheets seemed like they were brand new and their was a fresh smell in the air coming from a candle or something.

Aren wasn't in his bedroom, like Saiki had thought, but he heard noises from the kitchen. Kusuo teleported to the room to see Kuboyasu standing over the sink scrubbing away at Shun's bandages that he must have picked up from the floor. From this place it was easier to know what he was thinking.

He hates me now but that's okay. Yeah. I like him but I'll return his bandages, apologise then maybe we can be friends. I'm okay with friends.

He was obviously lying to himself  and honestly it was depressing just to witness. If Aren's thoughts were true then Saiki's ship won't sail which means this time helping him would benefit him.

Saiki sent a single sentence into Aren's brain. A short idea, something he probably already thought about doing. Text him. It wasn't a complex thing to do and the invisible teen didn't give him the whole text idea, just a little nudge.

It was easy to tell when the thought landed and fully processed in Kuboyasu's head. He stopped scrubbing at the red fabric and rinsed them out before leaving them to dry. He collected the water off of his hands with a towel and picked up his phone.

The top name in his contacts was 'Shun 🖤' from when he text him the other day before the party, it almost seemed wrong to send a message about this after a text when they were both so hopeful for the night ahead.  His hands shaked as he thought about the wording of his message, this could make or break their friendship. That's if Kaidou still considered it a friendship.

Finally, after a couple of minutes thinking, Aren began to type. Considering the whole scenario, he was only tapping in the screen for a short amount of time. It was definitely a quick text. Hopefully it would be enough to fix their relationship.

The message read: Meet me at the den.

Quickly as be could, Kusuo traveled back down to Shun's house in time for him to receive the text. Kaidou hadn't moved at all since Saiki was last in there, if he didn't know any better, Shun could have been dead. Just as he arrived, the boys phone lit up with the text from Aren. Much like a sloth in the wild, Kaidou slowly reached up from his bed to grab his phone.

The light from the device lit up Shun's face, making the dark circles around his eyes incredibly more prominent. It looked like he left his make up on and didn't get any sleep at all. His hair was sticking up in random places from the way he was sleeping.

No emotion was shown on Kaidou's face as he responded and put his phone back on the side. Saiki's heart dropped. Did this mean he wasn't going? Was this the end? Kusuo hadn't felt anything like this since they ran out of coffee jelly at the cafe he goes too.

Oh wait he can read minds.

The reply read: ok

This was when Saiki teleported away because hopefully Shun would get changed before his meeting and he didn't want to watch that.

Kaidou Shun vs his Homosexual Tendencies  (Kaidou x Aren)Where stories live. Discover now