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Once changed, Shun picked up his phone again to see if Aren had replied: no new messages. Sighing, he went over to his wardrobe and picked up his best pair of Doc Matins- he needed something to feel like himself after giving up his bandages. Kaidou pulled them on to his feet and laced them up and as fast as he could, he left the room. It was almost impossible to believe he was motionless in his bed just a minute or so before.

In the kitchen, Shun's mother was cooking or something, she didn't pay much attention to him so he didn't pay much to her. He heard Toki playing with his action figures when he passed his room and he assumed his sister was out with her friends so it won't be an issue for Shun to go out. He hurried to the door and left in to the outside, it was a cool afternoon with a gentle gust of wind every once in a while. It was just like the night beforehand.

Suddenly, every single memory from the night before came flooding back into his brain. How he ran out without even thinking of turning back. The dark sky, the laughter of everyone there, the flickering streetlight. Each wicked memory crawled their way into his brain again. Just like then, Shun's emotions were going haywire.

Was I in the right for running out of the party? Sure, Aren lied to me but he still hung out with me regardless. Was he being my friend to make fun of me; why else would he want to be around me? It doesn't matter, he was right. They were all right. The Dark Reunion was stupid.

You guessed it! Kusuo Saiki was, for the millionth time, walking behind Shun to collect his thoughts and feelings so he (and the reader) could have the whole story. However, he did have to stay a good few metres away as not to blow his cover. His cover, of course, being him being invisible.

Shun had travelled this exact route to his and Aren's den so many times yet this time it felt different. Soon enough he arrived at the gap in the fence that led into the wood. The trees where rustling in the wind and a squirrel nearby was climbing up a tree, it made Shun feel the calmest he ha in a while.

A sharp snap of a twig came from behind the boy, sending the small animal into hiding. Shun span around quickly to check who it was, a small part of him wished it to be Aren standing there. Unfortunately to Shun, it was just Saiki (Kaidou thought it was a bird or something).

 Thinking nothing of it, Shun continued his short journey until he reached the opening between the group of trees where the den stood proud with its series of tall beams and purple drapes hanging over it. It took both the boys weeks to build, the memory was bittersweet now.

As if the sight shook him up, he began to walk towards the entrance with less speed than before. His breathing quickened and his hands became slightly shaky. Why was Kaidou even nervous, he was the one mad at Aren? As he arrived at the curtain the pair used as a door, he stopped dead still. When he moved the curtain then he might see his crush but then again a part of him was still mad at him.  If he couldn't control his emotions then  he could make their relationship worse. Maybe he shouldn't have come.

He collected all the courage his small body could hold and held on to the curtain. Slowly he counted town from ten, promising himself that as soon as he hit one he would pull back the door. 3...2...1... Pull. To his surprise, the tent-like room the boys had made was empty despite the furniture and Mr Thunder Cuddles.

Feeling slightly stupid, Kaidou moved over to the corner with all the pillows, blankets and, most importantly, the teddy bear. A final time, Shun opened his phone to read he message Aren had sent to him again. Now he was here, he noticed that there was no time in the text or anything. This was probably another trick.

At this point, Shun was almost in tears. He just wanted to go home but he just knew if his mother saw him she would find away to laugh at the state he was in. In pure sadness, he grabbed the closest soft thing and hugged it tight to his face. He found that he had picked up Mr Thunder-Cuddles himself. It smelt like Aren, that was a bad idea. He tried to hold in a sniffle as he pulled the toy away from his face.

Although Shun had never really studied the toy, he had never seen a bright red bow that was now tied around its neck. He had also never noticed the small rolled up piece of paper that was tucked into the bow either. Curious, the teen gently untied the bow and held the paper in his hand before unrolling it. It wasn't just a piece of paper, it was a note.

Dear Shun, I'm sorry. I know you must hate me right now, that's fair, and that's why I'm not here in person. I just wanted to say that you have to be yourself despite whatever me and anyone else says. Yourself is what makes people like you. It's what made me love you. Once again, I'm sorry.  -Aren.

Kaidou stared down at the note in disbelief. It felt as if all the sadness in him was pushed out and instead a feeling of love swallowed him. He loved him. It was then the boy realised that it wasn't a red bow on the bear at all but his clean, dry bandages. This is what Aren meant by being himself.

Kaidou Shun vs his Homosexual Tendencies  (Kaidou x Aren)Where stories live. Discover now