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"SHUUUUN WE ARE GOING SLOWER THAN BEFOREEEEE!" Toki yelled, kicking his arms and legs around like an octopus. Shun could only pant in response as he heaved himself about for each step. His younger brother may have only been small but he was very heavy (or Kaidou was weak. Okay its probably that.)

The pair had only managed to walk a few metres since Kaidou had collected Mini-Shun on his back: they were going to be late at this point. His muscles ached all over with each step he took, his brain couldn't help but flick back to Kuboyasu's strong arms and-

Kaidou you simp. Shun thought to himself, If you can't even go five minutes about thinking about him with your brother, what are you going to be like with Aren.

Another text buzzed through to Kaidou's phone from his pocket. He was certain it was from Kuboyasu but he couldn't reach to reply because of the person on his back. It probably wouldn't be ideal if Shun returned home to his mother with a broken brother.

"SHUNNN HURRY UP!" the small boy (not Shun, the other one) cried, throwing a tantrum again. The force Toki used to kick his legs made the strands of pale blue hair on his head bounce around the goggles. "WHY ARE YOU GOING SO SLOW?"

"Because-" He paused to take deep breaths, "because I need to savour my full strength and power for den making." He made that up on the spot of course but still the child believed him.

Toki hopped of his brothers back and onto the pavement just behind Kaidou, "I'll walk so you don't lose power, Oh Great Shun!"

"Oh Great Shun?" Kaidou looked up to see Aren leaning up against a brick wall in front if him with his hands crossed over eachother. The blue headed teen's heard skipped a beat and his face flushed a vibrant red. It was such a sudden outburst. He didnt even hear him approach. He had no time to prepare.

"Oh um it's just a nickname Toki calls me. Hes my brother." Shun blurted out, moving to the side to show his crush the youngest Kaidou. Aren smiled and immediately crouched down infront of the boy to say hello.

"Hello, Toki. I'm Aren Kuboyasu, your brothers friend. I hope we can be friends too." The small boy's mouth was wide open in shock and his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"YOU'RE SO COOL! NO WONDER YOUR FRIENDS WITH SHUN, HES COOL TOO!" Toki jumped on the spot, leaving all three of them smiling. Aren ruffled his new friends hair and kneeled down to let little Kaidou hop onto his back.

With the help of Kuboyasu lifting Toki on his back, the group soon made it to the once plain area of the wood. Now it was taken up by a large den made from sticks and large sheets of waterproof covers. Today, all they had to do was add some furniture and decorations.

"Yesterday, I brought over a few things we need to put up but we will have to go back to mine to get more." Aren said doing little bounces to make Shun's little brother laugh as he was still hugging tightly to his back.

Kaidou nodded and headed through the entrance flap to their den. Inside had one main stick supporting the sheets like a teepee. The floor was mainly just grass like outside but one corner had a plastic sheet with blankets on it.

"WOAHH THIS IS SO COOL!" Toki ran around the den like it was the best place ever, Kuboyasu had obviously put him down by now. Infact, he now walked into the den himself and smiled at his and Shun's hard work.

"Okay!" Shun smiled while walking over to a box of things Aren brought over the day before. "Let's get started."

The box contained a few empty photo frames, a teddy bear and a long line of fairy lights. Kaidou pulled out the bear first and squeezed it tight into a hug.

"This is adorable, can I name it?" Aren blush a tad at how cute his friend was being. Quickly, he nodded to hide his red face. Shun beamed at him in response and stroked his chin, pretending to be deep in thought.

The bear was worn and clearly Kuboyasu had owned it for a long time. It's fur was a caramel brown and it's eyes were too black buttons. Lots of cute, wholesome names for it swirled around Shun's brain but obviously Kaidou was too ultra cool and very super powerful too pick any of those.

"Thunder." Shun finally said as he placed the bear in the blanket corner of the den. Aren looked at him, almost suprised at the name. However, at the same time as Kaidou's announcement, Toki also came up with an idea.

"MR CUDDLES!" He shouted, jumping again, surely he would get tired soon.

"I have an idea," Kuboyasu grinned and picked the teddy back up. "I think we should name him: Mr Cuddles-Thunder."  Both Kaidous smiled and nodded before continuing putting the fairy lights up.

After about a half-hour or so, the three boys had finished most of the den. The fairy lights were up. They had moved in a bit of furniture, like small tables and shelves, in to put things on and they had added new pillows to the blanket part.

"Hey, Kuboyasu! What are we gonna put in these frames?" Kaidou was digging around in the box again and pulled out the three frames with no pictures in. "I have a camera at home if you wanna get some pictures today?"

"Sounds nice, I can look after Toki if you want while you're gone." Aren said, high-fiving the child. Kaidou nodded and walked out of the den, leaving just the two of them.

"So, Toki, what sort of things do you like?" Somehow, Kuboyasu had a way with children despite being an ex-punk, they all treated him like a the best person to walk the earth.

"I LIKE SUPER HEROS!" Toki shouted (did he ever just say anything normally?) and putting his arm out infront of him like superman. "I LIKE BATMAN, AND SUPERMAN AND CYBORG CIDER MAN NUMBER TWO. BUT MY FAVOURITE IS SHUN!"


"Yes, he is so cool. I want to be just like him when I grow up. I love his cool hair and his bandages and his powers and his fighting skills and he is so funny and  hes the best!" Oh look at that, Toki can talk normally.

"Wow, you really like your brother, huh." Aren smiled looking over to Mr Cuddles-Thunder.

"Yep," Toki grinned. "I love him so much."

Aren blushed a little. "You know what, Toki. I think I might do to."

Kaidou Shun vs his Homosexual Tendencies  (Kaidou x Aren)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora