Chapter 20

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Dave was now the centre of attention, being looked at by all his friends.

Dave/Technoblade's POV

"We can't celebrate fully yet. We still have someone on the lose and i want to throw him into my prison. I already semi planed out with my people, but we still need to do some stuff." i said in my usual monotone voice. "We are still currently trying to figure out where they went, in every single little detail. And we are only like a quarter way through. Almost half."
"Well, mind telling us how and what?" Vincent asked.
"Sure, since we are all going to be somewhat involved. We know that they probably chose a place far away, but not like that far and long. They are in the country still, as far as we know. The reason why i wanted all of us involved is because you can all act somewhat as like spies and semi witnesses."
"Why not get your other people to do that?" Vincent asked.
"Oh, they will also be there, but the more the better. You never know what may happen."
"Okey true."
"Anyway. As soon as we find out where they are, we will immediately set everything up and go where they are. Of course we are going to be disguised for that. Don't want them to know. Fundy, could you and Harvey olease go to your office and continue the research."
"Will do Techno!" both of them said and quickly left.

"Dang, Techno out here being a real as boss around here." Clay joked, which made some of the other chuckle.
"It's my job after all. What do you expect."
"Okey, boss."

"Tch, okey funny business over, let's go back. So, i want you all to be ready at any time, because you never know how quick we will find out about their location. I know that is all alot to take in and stuff, but we got to get him."
"What about Mega?" Zak asked.
"Mega? Oh yea him, right. That little nerd will be interegated. He won't go off the hook so easily, because he may hold some quite useful infromation. The problem may be tho that he won't spit out a single thing. So..."
"Ah! No brutally forcing people Dave." Darryl said.
"Seriously. What else do expect me to do? Talk to him all friendly and baby sweet talk him aswell? Because i ain't about that."
"Well, not like that, but you can't just be so brutal all the time."
"Pff i am not. Back to topic. He is going to stay with us for a long time and we will confiscate most if his things."

Dave explained a little more about what they will all do once they found out where they are. It was a hard situation, they had to hunt down someone they once called a friend. It was devistainting for them that it turned out like that. Noone wanted this, but look what they got.
It has been 3 hours since they all tried to find out further on where these two are. They weren't sure if they were able to find out where they are today, but they still had a tomorrow so it was fine.

Dave decided that in those three hours they were semi working, that he would also show th around a bit. He didn't really show alot before, because of everything. Dave strictly said that should keep am eye on their pets, hold them or anything, so they wouldn't destroy anything here. They were in awe at how big this place was and some questions about it.

"This must have taken a long time to build." George said.
"Oh, you don't want to know. Even my parents said that to me."
"Did they even tell how long it took?"
"Yea, but i ain't telling."

"How long is this actually been here for? Like- this whole thing." Finn asked- what is this. A Q and A or what? You all ask so many damn question!
"Let's just say longer than you can you imagine."
"I mean yea, but like how long bud."
"Longer than you were alive on this forsaken planet."
"... alright." he akwardly said.

I ran my hand through my hair and hoping they would just stop asking me. Like damnit! You guys ask so many question amd all this information is so useless for them! They won't even be here all the time or whatever!

"Hey Dave?"
I sighed. "Yes Clay. What is it."
"If you don't mind me asking... uhm... is there any chance that you and Jacob knew eachother form like way before we met you?"
"Why do you ask."
"I-i was just curious."
"And this is the cafeteria. Get anything you want from here, just don't be to greedy." i looked at Zak.
"Nothing. Now go you nerds. Lunch isn't going to wait forever."
I watched as they made their way towards the food and looking at what they want. I couldn't be bothered sitting with them right now, so i just sat alone in some corner. My mask was semi broken from last fight.
"That little shit. I'll have to ask Fundy to repair it later with me." Putting it on the table i rummaged through my little bag and felt a piece of paper. So i took it out.
"Why do i have a piece of paper in my ... oh... i.. almost forgot about this."
Staring at this photograph made me actually a bit upset again.
"I don't know if i should burn this or not. It was the most greatest time, but it was in the past... I can't keep thinking about this."

It was a picture of him, Jacob, Mega, Clay, Sapnap, George, Finn, Georgey, Zak, Darryl and Vincent. All smiling while taking a group photo at their once favourite forest, they all decorated and re-fromed into a cozy place. They would all spend alot of time there whenever they could, wanted to talk, chill out or talk about serious things. It was their go-to place.
Dave still remembered that day very clearly.

. . .


. . .
"Dave! Come already in this damn picture!" Jacob yelled out.
"Coming already!"
"You are going to be in the middle for this picture!"
"Eh- why?"
"You made this place to what it is and our friendship! Now get you butt over here!"
"Alright alright!"
"Say crackers!"
"CRACKERS!" they all collectively said and everyone immediately went to look at the photo. They really like it and joked around a bit about the faces they did.
"We will cherish this forever!"
They laughed and played a bunch of games after that. Dave sometimes still looked at it, smiling.
"Ya like the photo?" Jacob asked excitedly.
"Of course i do, nerd!"
"Hell yea!"

. . .

Memory over

. . .

I felt a prick of tear falling down my cheek, but whipoed it away immediately. Don't want them to see the blood god cry, now do we.

"YO DAVE! GET OVER HERE! YOUR LONLEY ASS DOESN'T BELONG THERE!" Zak shouted from across their table, making me turn around almost instantly. I looked at the photo one more time and shoved it back into my bag.

"Blood god is coming over nerds!"
i shouted back.

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