Chapter 15

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The night went by pretty fast.

Jacob/Zelk's POV

I woke up Mega excitingly.
"Mega! Mega! It's 10 am! Time to wake up!"
He groaned and rubbed his eyes.
"Wha... what..?" he whispered.
"Portland Oregon! Airport! Today! Come on Sleepyhead!" i really was excited.
He sat up, stretching and giving me a morning hug. I hugged back of course!
"Are you excited Meg~?"
"Sure am Jacob. I sure am." he smiled sweetly and we both stood up.
"You can go to the bathroom first. Your clothes are already there, fresh and clean!"
"Oh, thank you." he gave me a peek on the cheek and walked in the bathroom.
Aw... love you too~.


Walking towards the outside door of the room, i very quietly opened it.
"Hello." i whispered. Someone quickly came over. They were near the room so yea.
"Good morning Mister Zelk. What is it you need?"
"Change the hallways so we would leave through the streets and then to get to the airport. Got it?"
"Of course. When are you two supposed to be at the airport again?"
"13:10. Now go." they nodded and i closed the door again.

Aaahh! Finally away from everyone and everything! Just me and the love of my life! It's just so wonderful!!
I joyfuly jumped around the room. I was just so excited!

"Ahaha- Jacob? What are you doing?" i heared Mega quietly giggle, i just slowly turned around, my face bright red.
"Uhhh- n-nothin'- uhm.. bathroom is free! Brb!" quickly grabbing my clothes and running inside the bathroom.
God that was embarrassing!
I covered my face for a second and then got ready. Taking a shower is so calming and just letting the water rain over you. Very much refreshing.

I touched my face and almost forgot that SOMEONE made a deep cut on my right cheek. Now i have a big permanent scar there, thanks idiot. After getting out of the shower, drying myself up and putting on some fresh clothes, i looked into the mirror. Just staring at my face or just myself in general.
". . . god fu- damnit."


"Jacob..." i flinched and was about to say something, but got rudely interrupted.
"No no. It's me again, remember?"
My reflection was completely different now. It was just a shadow... it- it was kind of unnerving, gave me slight chills.
"You broke the mirror the last time we spoke."
". . . i remember."
Silence filled the bathroom.
"What do you want from me, now."
"Just came to visit you again after ehat felt like a little while. You know. Plus- seems like you got the love of your life to finally love you and now, you two are together. Congrats." the voice felt cold and the congrats part didn't even sound happy, at all. Why now??
"As if you care. You were the one who made me think bad of my relationship."
"Tch- oh please. Just remember this-"


"Actually, nevermind. You'll see it for yourself, dear Jacob." i didn't like the way this was said, but then the shadow disappeared. I took a deep breath, exhaled, picked up my stuff and walked out the bathroom.

Mega turned around to me.

"Hey Jacob?" he signed.
"Yea? Need something?" i asked.
"Well, yes and no. I just wanted to ask if i could visit my grandma's grave before we leave. Please?"
Oh god- i don't know if the grave is still there after-
"Wait a second. I'll need to ask someone something. Just- gimme a sec." he nodded and i went out the room, locking the door and made my way to the next near by room.
"Hello-?" there was the person that is going to drive us to the airport.
"Ah-! Mister Zelk!"
"I need to ask you something really quick!"
"Woah- yes okey. What is it you need to know?"
"Mega really wants to see his Grandma's grave before we leave, but i am so unsure, because- you know why. Second, is the gravestone still there not damaged? I don't what the place looks like now and with the place-" i was talking really fast and got cut off.
"Mister Zelk- please, slow down. I can try to make it work, but we have to be very VERY careful. We'll work on it. Give us like- 10 minutes or so."
"Okey thank you!" and rushed back to my room, unlocking it and walking in.
"We can go out in about 10 mintues or so. Is that okey?" i asked a bit nervously.
"Okey! Well, all of our stuff is already in the car, so we can drive to the graveyard and then immediately to the airport okey?"
He only nodded.

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