Chapter 24

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Time skip to 12:13.

At the police station in the interegaition room, with Dave, Officer Jay and other people behind the window.
Dave's friends were back in the hotel, told to stay in there while he was out and also got told to calm down. Take a shower, bath. Anything that would make them calm a little.

Dave/Technoblade's POV

. . .

"So, are you going to spit some stuff out or what?"

. . .

"I can sit here all day."

. . .


. . .


But he still refused. ... He must have manipulated him to the deepth of the core.

"Look, i cannot say anything about your two's relationship. I hardly know anything, but Jacob is and never was a good person."

. . .

"He...  he.. you don't know anything about him. He was so loving, caring and only wanted the best. Why are you all against him. He did nothing."

. . .

"He almost killed your friends and is literally a part of a dangerous mafia. What garbage are you spitting at me. Huh?"

. . .

"He would never."

. . .

"Never, huh? And what is all of this then?"

. . .

I showed him all the evidence we collected over this past month, adding some things to them and just trying my best to explain to him everything.

. . .

Yet he still refused. ... Fuck you Jacob.

. . .

"You will be under house arrest with me for as long as i can, if you just keep refusing like that."

. . .

"I don't care."

. . .

I leaned back in my chair and looked at him blankly.

. . .

"Then it's final. Escort him out. Thank you again Jay. I'll be on my way now. Glad you are still here."
"No problem Dave."

"I have to take care of my friends now. Get back to normal life." i said and left.

Back at the hotel, Dave got some questions and answered them. He told them about how everything will go further and that they'll go back home tomorrow.

Time skip
Three months later

.It was snowing outside.

Jacob was in Dave's highest secured prison and Mega was under house arrest in Dave's house.
The whole city also got back on track and looks alot better now.
Everyone could finally move back in.
All of them slowly started going back to their normal life's, not telling anyone over what happened. Absolutely noone. Apologizing to their fans for leaving out of nowhere. Everything was slowly going back.
Clay also apologized to Dave for not telling him sooner about his nightmares, the encounter he had with Jacob and all of the other things. Dave listened to his friend and nodded.
Most of his friends who had some problems that they didn't tell Dave told them now. It may have seemed frustrating, but it was understandable.
Life was turning right again.
As for Wilbur, he stayed with Fundy at his house. Since Fundy always lived very far away Dave decided to ask some people to make a house for him near his other friends. Fundy later got the courage to tell about Wilburs ghost and that he was still here. It was an interesting experience and Schlatt was also very happy to hear that. Little Ghost friend.

At Clay's house.

"A letter from Dave?" Clay opened it as George and Sapnap waited so they could also read.
"What does it say?" they asked.

"Dear Everyone,
despite our hard time we had throughout the month's we had, i really want to do a little party again. Just more realxing this time. It's almost new year so why not celebrate it? How about it? Party at my house at the last day, time is 20o'clock.
See you there nerds!"

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