Chapter 25

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At the prison

Jacob/Zelk's POV

Now i am sitting here. In my cold, dark, garbage prison cell. Fantastic... just..   great. Everthing i worked so hard for, everthing i build together, for what? For nothing and i can't even escape this shitty prison he made. Not alone atleast, but how on earth would anyone, except for Mega, know where the hell i am. They checked every little thing from and on me. In our family, usually everyone has a tractor inside of them. Just to know where we are, but this prison- yea no. Obviously they can't take it out, but they did block it nonetheless. I'm pretty sure that Mega is in constant watch, plus i'm sure that he doesn't even have any information from my people. Pretty much, i'm just going to rott, die here. Fucked in general. ... 

Well... i can still see Clay, even if it's only when we are asleep or pass out. But he won't really listen to me... not anymore. Hmm...
Now that remember, i wasn't even able to really enter the dreamworld of his. ... Something must have came up in his life. Or maybe because all my thoughts and or my stay in here brought me to the brink of insanity... shitty prison and or stuff kept me busy i guess.
I can't even tell- oh wait they tell us when we need to go to sleep.

I wonder how Mega is doing. I miss him, so much. They just took everything from, everything. I hate them all... i want them to be gone. I want my life back.

All of this, just because of this stupid family.

"It's 20o'clock! Everyone go to bed!" the enouncer said.

"Zelk! Stop banging your head against the wall and go off to bed! Or else." some security said. Security was standing like everywhere. Just so they didn't had to anything to me again, i layed myself to bed. Staring at the ceiling for an hour, before passing out to sleep.

Come on... this time. Just this time.





I opened my eyes to the same  beautiful green surroundings.
"I-I'm finally back! I AM BACK! FINALLY! SOMETHING ELSE! Aaahhh..... the green soft grass and just not the shitty prison!" Look, even if 3 month's isn't alot- i sure missed something else.

"What the fuck?!" i heard someone say from behind me and i wasn't suprised at all.

"Hello!" i shouted and walked over, even if they are telling me to stay away.

"Do you want us to kick you out or what?!" Wilbur shouted at me.

"No No! Wait please! Let me stay here for the night! This is what i really need right now!"

"Why do you think i care?"
"Let him stay Wil." Clay quietly said.
"What? Why?"
"He has been there for 3 month's. Everyone need a bit of the fresh outside."
"Clay? What are you saying? He hurt you!"
"I know, but... .... i- just let him stay for atleast one night."
"But he has to stay away from us, far away."

"Thank you!" i backed off and layed down. I could feel Wilbur's eyes on me, but i don't care.

"Uhm.. hey. Can i ask a question, Clay?" i asked.
"What is it?"
"I just want to know how Mega is doing. Could you please tell me if you know." i really missed him.
"... i .. i don't know that much, but he doesn't look really fine. He has been under house arrest at Dave's for these past month's. He doesn't talk or interact with anyone really, alot less than usual. I mean, we know that he doesn't really talk alot, but yea. We will try to cheer him up at the party tomorrow." he explained.
It made me feel so upset and angry, but mostly i just felt sad. Just hearing that he isn't fine anymore. Felt like my heart shattered.
I wished i could go to him.

A party...?

I sat up and cried silently.
"You all seem alot happier now that i'm not there anymore. Except for Mega..."

"Well, we were happy back then too.
... But now.. we can't change it. Now can we?"

" of course not. I can't even change myself, even if i wanted to. Shit family."


After a few hours the two fell asleep, but i'm not to sure for Wil. I still made my way to them, very slowly and quietly.

I just need to be near him. That's all.

When i was near Clay i touched his hand, closed my eyes and whispered into his ear.

"Please tell Mega that i'm fine, that i'm still with him. Tell him he has to call the number **** ******* and act like he was ordering food. He has to be somewhere were noone can hear him.
Alright? If that is possible. Look through the key hole. Thank you." i ordered.

After finishing his sentence a little wet drop landed on his hand. Touching his face, he realised he was crying a bit. At first he didn't know why, but realised why quickly. He whipped the tears away and backed off again.

"Jacob. Now go back, close your eyes and escape this dream." it said.
"In a few minutes, okey. They won't know a thing." i layed back on tze grass and stared at the sky.

"Everything will be alright."

And then, i closed my eyes.

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