Chapter 11

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Harvey/TapL's POV

"Jesus, where is Technoblade...?"
I was walking through the broken city to look for him and soon found him walking on the sidewalk with someone. So i walked towards him and waved. Realizing that the other person seemed very off, sad, i stayed quiet for a little.

"Hello TL. Where were you?"
"Sorry Techno. I was busy with somethings and i actually needed to talk with you.... but you seem a bit busy right now."
Technoblade looked over to Schlatt and nodded.
"I have to bring him back first."
"Let's take a short cut." i said, so we didn't had to walk for so long. The way back was very quiet and you could tell that Schlatt was not doing well. Techno had to break the news to his friends. It had to be told at one point. As we arrived back Techno brought Schlatt to the others so he didn't had to be all alone.

"... May i.. uh..see him..? For one ... last time..?" he asked.
"I think you need to calm down for a little while before that. We'll bring you to the others for now." he nodded and we walked in the room, where the others were.

"Hello friends. Please be nice and careful. He's not doing all to well right now."
he looked at Schlatt. "They are good friends of mine. You can trust them."
Schlatt looked at everyone and they introduced themself.
"Hi, i'm George."
"There are also other people here, but they are in different room's. Darryl is in a room with Zak, since Zak is in a coma Darryl wanted to stay with him. Finn and Georgey are also in separate rooms." Techno said and then turned to the rest again.
"You all may visit Darryl and Zak aswell, my worker will go with. I'll have to leave now again. Stay safe please. Let's go TL."
"Yes Techno." i said and followed him out the room, away from the room.
"So." he stood still and turned to me.

"What did you wanted to talk to me about?"
"Well, i wanted to say that, beside fixing the city again, we also need to investigate Zelk's home."
He paused for a second.
"Yea, i know, but now that i think about it. It may be empty or destroyed. He would leave his house just like that nor Mega's house."
He wasn't all wrong. It's true. He wouldn't do that.
"Well, maybe we should still look?"
He looked to the side, sighed and agreed.
"Let me tell our people first before we go, wait here." i nodded, he walked off and with that i waited. I walked near the room that Clay was in out of curiosity.

"I haven't really seen him..." peaking through the small glass window i could see Clay sitting there. He was tied up, like ... uhm.. what's it called.. a.. he has one of those insane asylum jacket's, just not that bad. Plus he's blindfolded under his mask, for some reason i don't know. The mask okey, but the blindfold? I don't know. He didn't move or anything. ... "Hope you're gonna be okey man." placing my hand on the glass window, but then felt something cold run up my back and i shivered. I looked around confused, but noone was there.

"What the hell..." i whispered, looking back at Clay and i could swear he was looking directly at me for a split second. Blankly staring at him i felt a hand touch my shoulder and i flinched so bad that Techno also flinched.

"Jesus, you good? What's wrong?" he asked and i nodded.
"I'm .. all good. Sorry. Let's go then." and walked off.
"Alright then. Let's get movin'."
The whole time we made our way over to Zelk's house we stayed quiet, but Techno soon broke it.

"You looked liked you've seen a ghost there, back at the base. What happened?"
"Well... i was looking at Clay and as soon as i touched the small glass window, i felt something cold run up my back. Looking back at Clay i could have sworn he looked at me for a split second. Sounds weird, i know.." he immediately started speaking as i finished.
"Something cold run up your back, when you touched the glass. With Clay on the other side.."
... He stayed quiet for awhile.
".. you... okey Techno?"
"Yes, i'm all good. Come one, we are almost there."
I just nodded in response.

To no suprise, the house of Zelk was gone, like... completely gone. Not a single trace of it seems to be there, only small stones and glass.
"It actually is gone." i said and walked over to the empty dirt place, where the house was once standing. Wondering how he did that, in such a short amount of time. I saw that Techno placed his hand on the ground, murmuring something.

" ... Man,-" i just started speaking "That's so weird. How could this even be?" Techno didn't say anything and when i looked over he had his eyes closed. I didn't want to distract him from what ever he was doing, so i just looked around trying to find- something i guess.

A few minutes later.

"Hey Techno, i think we should go now-" i said walking back to him, opening my eyes, i saw him sitting on the ground. There was a small hole infront of him and he was holding something. Looked like a small piece of paper. I slowly walked over to him and kneeled down, but one to two meters away.

"Uhm... Dave..?" i said quietly. He just looked down on the piece of paper, but that i was closer i could see that it was a photo. Looking at his half hidden face, i could see, what i presumed was a tear, falling onto the ground. Dave rarely to never cried which is why i felt worried for him.

"Dave..?" i said, a tiny bit louder and placing my hand on the ground near him. He looked up for a split second, before he looked down again. I think he feels embarrassed about crying. Like he said once, crying is for the weak, but... everyone cries. Plus- it's okey to cry once in a while and you're not weak if you do.

He took of his mask, laying it next to himself, still holding on to the photo and gesturing me to come closer. So i did. We stayed silent.

Suddenly he just fell into my arms, silently crying a bit. I didn't know what to do, since this never really happened, so i just- hugged him and tried to comfort him. He was laying in my arms so motionless and limp. What was on that photo...? I didn't want to take the photo out of his hand, so i just continued hugging him until he felt ready to go again.

5 minutes already passed and he hasn't moved and inch.
"D-dave...?" i- was getting more and more worried. Then he slowly got himself up, putting his broken mask back on and putting the photo in his small bag. You could tell that he was crying. His eyes were a bit red and tired, not to mention that he looked liked as if he hadn't slept for days and days on end.

Not saying a word he just started walking, but he did wave a hand gesturing me to come. We walked over to see if Mega's house was still there and to my surprise, it was there, but i'm guessing that any shred of evidence wouldn't be there. We walked inside anyway, but not finding anything.

"Let's go back now. It has been a rough day already." i said. Dave was looking at the ground, gave a small nod and walked off already.

... What was on that photo ...

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