Chapter 14

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Nobody really cared about what time it was. It wasn't relevent to anyone, but many, many hours passed by.

It was 20:12pm.

It was late.

In Zelk's helicopter

Jacob/Zelk's POV

Me, Mega and three of my people were sitting in our helicopter, on our way back to quote on quote my Base. The wound that Techno caused was already patched up and stuff. My focus was on Mega. He looks so adorable when he sleeps, even if i had to make him pass out. I held him close to me, hugging him. Love you Mega.

"Mister Zelk?" one of them asked.
"Yes. What is it?" slighty annoyed.
"We are almost back."
"Oh- alright."
"We also got a message from your- from other Boss."
I scoffed. "Did he say about what?"
"He did not, no."
"Okey fine. Where is he supposed- actually nevermind." i said as i rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Mega hugging him tight.

You're safe with me here now. Noone can do anything to us anymore and patted his head. His hair was really soft and he still had his green scarf covering his half of his face. Cute. Damn, i wished i could see his beautiful eyes-

He slowly lost his train of thoughts while thinking about Mega.

We'll be gone from all those hurtful people. Gone from all the stress. It's just going to be you and me, enjoying our wonderful lifes together. Love you~.

He made a soothing motion on Mega's back and after what seemed like half an hour they are back at their place.

It was a fairly big building. It doesn't go up all that much, but rather down into the ground. The ground part of the place is alot bigger and a little complicated to navigate through, unless you've been here for a long time. Like Jacob's Family and some long-time workers here.
The place was far away from where they originally lived, it was near some broken hills, a very big, tall and thick forest. Noone dares to go there. Noone. Everyone who was even near the place, only a very small, slim percentage ever came back.
The helicopter slowly landing on a platfrom and the people coming out of it.

I carried Mega bridal style to my room, in the this place, first before going over to my quote on quote Boss. Ugh. Everyone was working on their usual things. I opened the door to my room carefully, not to drop Mega, and then closed it.
"Wow.. haven't been here in age's. Everything is still in the same place."

His room was like medium sized, it had a king sized bed leaning against the wall in the middle of the room, a big work spaces to the left, with everything he would need. To the right was other stuff like a wardrobe, some shelfs and what not. There was also door that led to the bathroom. In the middle of the room was a soft red, blue and white carpet. Nothing really left it's place, except for some garbage he left behind ages ago.

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