Chapter 8

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At Technoblade's Base

Noone's POV

"Hello everyone." Dave said to his friends.
They are all in a waiting styled room, a glass table in the middle of the room, around it a few chairs and one sofa. The room was completely white. Some of them pacing back and forth, other sitting or just standing. The room was filled with quiet talking.

Dave/Technoblade's POV

"How's Clay?! Is he okey?! Will he be fine?!" George asked, with Sapnap holding him.
"I've put him in a separate room for now. He's going to be okey George. How's the rest? Vincent?"

"Yea, i'm okey now. Actually like my robotic arm, it's pretty cool. Still shit i lost my arm, but what gives." he slides his bandana up. "Miss my eye, but same as i said before. Feels fucking weird and if i could i would put my finger in it. Jesus. Glass eye works tho i guess. Plus they gave me this other tech bandana which is cool. Yea." Vincent said.

"That's okey. Glad to see you alright now." i turned to my worker. "Where is Darryl?"
"We let him Zak. Should we being him back or?"
"I'll check on him in just a second. How are Finn and Georgey?"
"Finn is doing alot better now. He is not a coma, but he just needs to rest. Good that we found him right before it almost happened. Georgey also just needs rest. He didn't bleed out that fast luckly. Both of them sleeping for the time being. Information on Zak and Darryl aswell or not?"
"Not now, but thank you." turning back to my friends.

"Do you all want a something to eat or drink for the time being?" some slowly nodded and others didn't responded.
"Okey, here, you can all ask my co-worker right here. I'll check the rest." and with that, i leaves the room.


Knock knock.

I opened the door slowly.
Darryl turns to me.
"O-oh! Hey Da-ave. How are you?" he smiled weakly.
"I'm alright. How are you and Zak?"
"We are okey. I think Zak will come back very soon." i took a seat beside Darryl. "I now he will. He's definitely listening to us right. I can feel it. ... Do you want to say something to him?"

"Sure." turning over to Zak.
"Hey Zak. Hope you're alright. Everyone is safe at my base. I don't know when you'll back to us, but i hope it's soon. We miss you." i stood up. "If he wakes up-" Darryl turns to me with big puppy eyes. "Please tell me, okey?" his eyes give a small spark and he nodded. "Can i trust you here alone, Darryl?"
He hesitated for a reason, which i knew.

"Uhm.. i guess someone can be here with me.. j-just incase."
"Alright. Do you want something to eat or drink aswell?"
"I guess so. Water would be fine for now."

"Okey. I'll tell my co-worker. See you later Darryl and Zak." leaving the room to check up on Finn next. Then Georgey later. I opened the door to Finn's room, walking in and looking at him. Finn's clothes and such got changed completely for good reasons. He was breathing at a normal pace, doing pretty okey. "Hello Finn. Hope you're alright. ... .Good thing that they caught you just in time. Get well soon Finn and pardon me for not having many words. We'll catch up later." i stood there for a little while before leaving.


"Hello Georgey." i said making my way over to him. Looking over at his wrist and hand. "He did this to you. Didn't he. ... . Don't worry Georgey. He'll not know what's coming, when the time comes. ... .But for now, just get well soon. Alright?" i took his friends hand and placed both my hands on it.

"I promise George."

. . .

. . .

  . . .

"I should get moving again. I'll see you around Georgey." i layed his hand back on the bed and walked out the room, closing the door quietly. Taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling, making my to Fundy's office.

"Even if we lost Zelk, for now, we atleast got our friends safe again. ... Zelk won't be free for that long anyway." talking to myself for a little, before arriving at his office.
I knocked on his door and opened it.

"Fundy- oh my god! Fundy turn on the god forsaken light!" turning them on and seeing Fundy on his chair eating biscuits, looking at one out of six of his monitors. He turned around with wide eyes turning what ever he was watching off.

"T-Technoblade! Sorry Boss, i was hungry." he said putting the biscuits away. "I am working tho!"
I sighed. "It's fine Fundy. Just remember to not sit in the dark next time again." he nodded. "Besides that, i wanted to talk to you."

"Sure thing Blade, have a seat!" he pushed a chair towards me and took my seat.
"How's everything right now in the city?" i asked and he turned back to the monitors.

"Well, some parts of the city are broken. Like here,-" he pointed at the Woodreln park first. "the park is a bit destroyed as you can see. The many streets and some of the buildings are also damaged, some more than others. We also have-"

I listened to Fundy carefully and thinking that all of this has to be re-build later on.

"Yea, most people were brought out of the city for the time being, tho i did see one or two people that are still here."
"There are people still here?" strange...
"Yea, one of them lives further away from everyone else. The other person confused me a little."
"What do you mean?"

"Well, okey here." he zoomed in on a specific forest of the city map. "There is this little red dot near a waterfall cliff, but the dot never really moved or did anything that would indicate any signal of it being alive. I sended a small drone to the place, but nothing was there. It was strange and i thought that-"

Wait .. i remember this place. That's were i just was a awhile ago, while i was fighting Zelk. .... Noone is there, but someone is there. What did Clay say again.

The ground felt weird. Really weird. As if something big was under it. ...

"Technobalde?" he waved his hand infront of my face and i shook my head.
"Yea, sorry i lost track of my thoughts. I need to check this place again."
"Wait- why? Are you sure? I don't understand."
"I just remembered something. I'll be going alone." and stood up immediately walking towards the door.
"I'll be quick."

And with that i left. I had to check the damn ground. As i was making my way to the exit i quickly glanced at Clay's room. "... what is with you and what do you have in common with him... what are secrets."

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