Something happens!!!

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"SKATEBOARDS ARE MY WORST ENEMIES NOW! YOU'RE GONNA PAY WITH YOUR LIFE, STINKOLN!" Just then, something crashes from the sky. More of the Loud family come in through there. "LISTEN HERE, EX-OLDER BROTHER UNIT! WE'RE TO STRONG FOR YOU TO TAKE ON YOUR OWN!" "Lisa, I have a name." "I DON'T FUCKING CARE!" That's when something happened.

The thing that happened... it was not what anyone expected. There was another helicopter, carrying Rusty, Zach, Liam, Stella, and Girl Jordan. They looked different... They were wearing their PE uniforms. "Did'cha Miss us, Lincoln?!", they all say in unison. "Yup! I have! I really have! Now, let's get these bitches!", says Lincoln.

Lincoln and his friends charge towards his former family, who were suffering the pain of the fight. Luan and Rita punched the Loud's in the back of the head, causing them to have a few minor injuries on their own. "You guys must feel REAL smart now, huh!? ALL THOSE PEOPLE AGAINST US! YOU'LL DIE BEFORE YOU GET THE CHANCE FOR YOUR LIFE AHEAD OF YOU, AND WE'LL ALSO BLOW UP ALL THE JAILS AND JUVIES!", The Loud's yell as their running away.

"That didn't end well.", said the Louds in their helicopter. Lynn Sr. was piloting it. "We'll get Lincoln and those damn bitches of his friends! JUST WAIT UNTIL THEY GET THEIR PAIN!", Lynn Sr. says. "Y-Yeah, b-b-but...", Lana tries to says before getting shushed by Lola. "BUT WHAT, LANA! WHAT THE HELL WOULD GO WRONG?!", Lola yells. "I wanna SERVES MY SENTENCE AND GET DONE WITH IT! I HOPE THAT YOU DO REALIZE IF WE EVER GET CAUGHT AGAIN, OUT SENTENCES WILL BE EXPANDED! ARE YOU ALL JUST IDIOTS, OR WHAT?!?!!??!", Lana yells towards all of them. "As much as I hate to say it, Lana's right. Some of us already have pretty long sentences. Just think what would happen if we get caught again.", Lisa says. Everyone gets annoyed by her statement, minus Lana.

Hope you like the chapter!

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