Training Day 1

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*Lincoln POV*

After I get out of the bed, and eat breakfast, and all that crap, I head down to the bottom of The  Casagrande apartment building with Ronnie Anne. "Well, Linc, here's the training room.", she says, "and I'm coming with you. You'll need a sparring partner, Linky." I just shrug it off. "Wait, did you just call me 'Linky'? You've never used that!" "Just... don't talk about it Lincoln." I just follow what she says and walk into the room. It's huge. "Wow, Mrs. Casagrande! It's big!" "Yes, yes Lincoln! Now, get ready for your training! And I see your girlfriend is in here with you." I froze when she said that. "We're not dating! We're just friends, Rosa! Just friends!"

*Ronnie Anne POV*

"We're not dating! We're just friends, Rosa! Just friends!"  That's the line that shocked me! And makes me... cry...? Why does it make me cry? 😢. Well, I'll just observe. 'Ok Lincoln. I see.', I think.

*Sid POV*

I went into the training room and saw Ronnie Anne sitting by herself. I went over there, obviously. "Ronnie Anne... what's wrong...?" "Sid... I don't wanna talk right now." I knew something was wrong. I just followed what she said for now.

*Lincoln POV*

I was continuing the training with CJ when I looked at the benches and saw Ronnie Anne and Sid. Ronnie Anne looked to be... crying...? 'That's unusual.', I say to myself. "Lincoln, focus on the huge bean bag thing and not on your girlfriend.", CJ says. "SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" "Jeez, can't a guy joke around with you? I'm just kidding!"

Cliffhangerrrrrrrrrrrr sorry I'm too lazy to continue writing.....!

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