Game theory #34- Top five FOXY facts!!!

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Today we vist everyones favorite Fox, Foxy! Let jump right in!

At number 5 we have that, in the trailer we see Bonnie running down the west hall where Foxy usally comes out. I asume this is because Foxy was not in devolpment.

At number 4 is Foxy might have been inpired by Ruluf the wolf, It does resemble a lot of the same things as does Foxy.

At 3 we have is that we can determind it takes five seconds for you to React to Foxy after Foxy leaves the bay.

At 2 there is a folder in the game files refering to as Pirate_song2 and that is Foxy's "DumDum didly Dum"

At fact 1 is Foxy is the most LOVED animatronic in the game even though he has the least screen time in the first game.

Let me know what you think! If you have a theory leave it in the comments or message me!!! I read them all!

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