one // neighbours

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- Gabry -

        I sat at my normal stump. The same old stump that was here when me and my parents moved in, and that was almost 17 years ago. Yea, we moved here when I was born. So that would make me 16. Actually 16 and half, since it's the middle of December. It's just my good ol' Mom, Dad, and me living out here in the outskirt's of Flagstaff, Arizona.

         I pulled my hood farther up and over my face,some of my long straight light-brown hair escaping and being swayed by the light winter breeze. Even though it's freezing out, I don't mind. The cold won't stop me from coming out here. I always come out here at least once a day for about half an hour, just to think. I had picked up a small flower like weed on my way out here, which I now held and examined in my hands. I twisted it around and around, watching the small yellow leaves twirl. I breathed out releasing a large puff of smoke into the crisp winter air. I looked up into the vast forest that was behind my parents house. I guess you could say it was our backyard, even though we didn't have a fence our property ended at where the forest began. Skyscraper Pine trees soaring into the air, the sound of them swaying as the wind tugged at them.

        Even though I hated my life, the one of the only few things I loved was Nature. It always astounded me. I always wondered how life came to be, how humans became the dominaters of the world. Why not another species? Why us? Humans nowadays are taking the Earth for granted, polluting the air,land, and water, killing animals, cutting down forests. It sickened me.

          I was torn away from my thoughts when I heard footsteps crunching behind me. I lifted my head and turned around only to be met by familiar blue eyes. One of the other few things I loved in this world was approaching me, Alec. I had known him since Kinder-garden, before things in my life went downhill. We're in 11th grade now, and he is actually the only friend that I have.

         "Your parent's said you would be out here", he said as he approached me, his hands in his coat pockets. His breathe visible in puffs of smoke and pink flushed cheeks which made his dark blue eyes stand out against his pale skin. I felt a smile appear on my lips as I stood up and greeted him with a hug. I put my head on his toned chest letting his warmth spread into my body, his arms wrapping around me. Protecting me.

         I know him best as my protector. He is the only one that stands up for me at school against everyone else. One time he even accepted being suspended for a week after he stood up to a kid in the boy's locker room when he heard someone say a remark about me. It made me proud of him. And the only reason no one has put him down as well is because all the 'popular' girls think he's cute. Constantly getting flirted with in the hallways and during lunch, but he seems oblivious to it. Always telling them 'no' when they ask if he wants to hang out on the weekends or sit with them at lunch. He always turns them down for me, always for me.

        I finally let go from our hug and look up at him.

        "Aren't you cold?", he asked as he looked down at what I was wearing. I looked down at myself. I was wearing a Hollister hoodie with dark skinny jeans and Uggs.

        "Nah", I responded. He smirked.

        "So shall we go to school then?", he asked as he held his arm out for me to take.

        I felt my smile disappear. I was not looking forward to going to school, but I couldn't skip. I reached my arm out and intertwined it with Alec's. He smiled as he lead me to his car on our way to the place that I hated the most.


      "Ew, look at her", I heard someone say as I shuffled through my locker, my backpack strap digging into my left shoulder. I could mentally see someone pointing their finger at me, talking to someone next to them.

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