twenty // drifting

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- Liam -

  "Niall are you okay?", I asked him. I had my arms folded and I was staring intently at him from my cot as he laid down on his. Niall shuffled and slightly turned around, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

   "Oh, yea. Just bored is all."

   He did look pretty bored. Sadly we didn't have entertainment here yet - well that is if Louis would've come back with the TV set he promised he would get when he went out a few hours ago. Where was he anyway? How hard is it to get TV in America?

  "Don't worry Niall, once Louis gets back then you could watch whatever TV is here in the States. I haven't really watched American TV before."

  Niall gave a faint smile before he returned to staring at the wall, his left arm tucked underneath a thin pillow that his head rested on.

   Everyone in the house had certain hobbies and such when it was the daylight hours. Zayn had a painting set that he had found in a store. We were living in France at the time, and he had stumbled upon a painting shop which resulted in him piratically taking the whole store with him back to the house that we had rented. Lets just say that he was very convincing to the store-owner. Harry always had puzzles like Rubik's cubes and crosswords that he picked up whenever we traveled. But he, unlike Zayn, actually bought the items. Louis didn't really have any hobbies, he was our scouter. He would go out and scan the area, making sure that no other vampires lived in the same territory.

  Sometimes we did come across other vampires, but they mainly stay in the northern regions where it's colder. Less sunshine to be exact, like Canada and Alaska, some of them even staying in England. But we where nomads, it just made everything a little easier.

  Normally for me during the daylight was just reading books and studying certain things, learning about the world and God's creations. I've learned an awful lot in my years of being alive. But now it was mainly my duty to look after Niall, making sure that he made through his Newborn Stage. And the Newborn Stage lasts approximately 10-13 months, basically a year. He's about 5 months old now, after us er. . . finding him in August. I wasn't really good at looking after him at first, but I've gotten used to it.

  "Hey Liam?" I heard Niall peep, snapping me from my daydream.


   Niall looked like he was pondering something, his eyes drifting to the side as he turned slightly to face me, him still laying on his back. "Never mind, it's stupid."

  I was shocked. He didn't want to tell me something? I was his friend, his closest friend, I was his...

   His creator.

   I gulped at that thought. "Don't worry Niall, you can tell me, yeah?"

  Niall didn't look convinced. He still hadn't fully opened to me yet, true that I've only known him for 5 months, but still he could trust me. Right?

  "It's just... do you know, vampires celebrate Jesus?"

  I sighed slightly in relief. That wasn't a hard question right? Right?

  'Oh, yea. I guess some do. It's a stereotype that vampires can't believe in God and such. Just something that Humans made up I guess." I said awkwardly as my right hand traveled to behind my neck, rubbing at my skin. Niall watched me, his brow furrowing at my nervous movements.

  "But what if there isn't a God?"

   I stopped rubbing at my skin. Wait, what?

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