twenty nine // warnings

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- 3rd Person Point of View -

   Gabry woke with a startle, her sheets sticking to every piece of skin that wasn't covered by her clothes. Her hair was matted to her neck and forehead, her skin feeling colder then her normal body temperature. She gasped out, trying to catch her breath, her eyes wide as she stared at the wall across from her bed. The images that she had just seen flashed through her mind. A man looming over her, his hair as gold as the sun's rays, eye's a dark ocean blue. He was British, by the way that his accent was in her dream, she could tell. She thought it was just a random dream, but that was until the man above her's eyes turned from blue to pitch black, fangs fully exposed from his clenched teeth.

   "Where is she! Where is it!" He had screamed, causing terror to pass through whoever Gabry was in. She could feel a numbness start to take over her, a strange pinch in her stomach area.

   "She's safe from you." The person that Gabry was in spoke. Now she realized she was in a woman, her voice British as well. Then before Gabry could go on in the dream she felt a coldness take over her, causing her to jump quickly up in her own bed.

  Gabry still remained staring at her wall, her breathing now slower, heart rate going down. She brought a hand up, rubbing her yes and wiping the sweat away from her forehead. Light streamed in through her covered windows, creating a grey glow to fill her bedroom. She turned her head to the left, looking at her phone that was plugged into it's charger. Reaching out she grabbed it, clicking it on the top, 8:34 flashing back at her.

  She felt her heart jump, but quickly felt relief flood over her as she remembered that she didn't have school. Even though it was Monday, the school district had commanded that all the schools in the Flagstaff Area be shut down. Which meant that it gave them now 3 weeks off of school, it being Christmas next week and then New Years. Even though she was thankful for the extra time off, she found that due to the. . . recent events that had occurred downtown, that the FBI had wanted everyone to remain in their houses. Gabry knew that those people didn't deserve to be killed, murdered by Zayn, and that the families of the deceased should be brought to justice. But the thing was, they couldn't. It was Zayn. A vampire. They wouldn't ever find out that it was him, and if they did. . .

   Gabry felt her gut twist up. They wouldn't find out it was Zayn, would they? Now that the FBI was involved who knows what could happen. Despite how bad she wanted Zayn to be convicted for what he had done, she didn't want them to find out about Louis and Niall and everyone else. It would just lead to all kinds of trouble, maybe even causing them to leave.

  Now the twist in Gabry's gut felt hard, cold as stone, the feeling washing over her. They wouldn't leave would they? They couldn't leave. According to the strange Ghost Woman in her dream a  few days ago back at Louis' house, one of them was meant to protect her. But the things is, she didn't know how or when this certain darkness was going to come for her. Let alone her not even knowing who her Protector even was. 

  After a few short minutes, she threw her covers off her feet, stepping onto the cold hardwood floor of her bedroom. Stretching her limbs she walked over to her window, drawing back the covers and looking out over the small forest patch behind her house. A fresh cover of snow covered everything in sight, Louis' house on the other side of the forest covered in the glorified white droplets of water. She looked down, noticing the stump that she usually sat at covered completely, the top barely even showing.

  She just now realized that she hadn't been sitting outside on her stump like she normally did. Her having to sit outside, enjoying nature and escaping from her own thoughts. But now everything changed. Her eyes had become opened to a world much different then the one that she had swore she knew. A world where vampires exist, a world where she suddenly now has superhuman powers that she doesn't understand.

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