thirty two // knocking on my window

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- Gabry - 

        "What?" I whispered, my eyes refusing to look away from his. "I-I can't. I can't leave my parents and Alec behind."

        "I know it's asking a lot, but we have to leave. And we can't risk leaving you behind either." 

        I pushed Louis away, taking a step back. Turning around I ran my hands through my hair, pulling it over my shoulders on both of my sides. Something I did when I was nervous. He was asking me to just leave my whole entire life behind and go with them? I only knew them for a few weeks, how can I know that I can trust them? But yet again, my whole life had taking a gigantic 180 when they strolled into town. 

        That's when I came to a sudden realization.

        I turned almost too quickly towards Louis, my head cocked to the side. "Why would you guys be leaving? I thought you said that you were going to take care of everything that Zayn did?"

        "I did. But. . . we were too late. The police must have found something because I overheard them talking when I was looking around. They mentioned finding a piece of a leather jacket stuck on a bush where a body was found." 

        Leather jacket? Who owns a leather jacket? Then I remembered that when Zayn had attacked me he had worn a black leather jacket. It had to be his. Who else would it have been? 

        "Oh god." I put my hands on my temples, rubbing small circles in the sides. "There gonna find something, and come after you guys." I breathed in a shaky breath, feeling Louis' hands come around me enveloping me in a hug. The coolness of his body sunk straight through my thin clothes, making goosebumps appear on my arms and legs. 

        "I'm sorry that we came into town, we should have picked someplace else. If we hadn't come into town then none of this would've happend and I wouldn't ask you to drop everything and come with us." 

        I pushed Louis way, turning around and looked straight into his blue eyes. 

        "No, don't say that. If you guys hadn't come into town then I would've gone crazy about what is happening to me. I would be all by myself in this and you guys seem to have all the answers."

        Louis looked hurt. Him looking down at his feet and opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something, quickly he closed his mouth, rubbing his hand over his mouth. 

        Then a idea popped into my head. Louis looked at me as if he could tell that I had a plan.

        "It's just Zayn."


        "It's just Zayn. Zayn is the one that did all those terrible things to those people, you guys didn't. They should only find his DNA there, not yours. You all don't have to leave, you can just make Zayn leave."

        It was a perfect plan. Zayn leaves, going off on his own. Everybody in the town would be much more safer without him anyway, and him leaving would leave the rest of the guys to be able to remain in town. 

        "Louis, you guys all don't have to leave!" I almost shouted, only to quiet down in fear of my parents hearing. "Zayn dosen't have to drag you guys down with him, it's his fault in the first place."

        "Gabry you don't understand, it would just cause more surveillance on the rest of us. Even if Zayn leaves there is still four vampires in town. And we need to feed. Plus no matter what you think of Zayn he has been through worst shit in his entire life, even in his human life, and we need to be there for him. We made a pact that we wouldn't leave anybody behind no matter what happens."

ℒove at First Bite ≫ One Direction/Vampire (AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt