twenty three // ghost

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- Gabry -

   Everything was dark at first. The swaying motion gone, but my body remained paralyzed. I could still feel my body, just everything was immobilized. Which was quite odd, my mind trying to force at least my fingers to move. That was until a blinding light illuminated from somewhere off in the distance, my body suddenly falling. And that's what I did. I fell. A scream erupting from my lips as I continued to fall, my arms and legs reaching out to try to catch onto something. Frantically searching but instead only finding open air.

  I had no idea how far I had been falling, until I felt my body hit impact. At first everything was numb, that I was waiting for the pain to hit my like a ton of bricks, but no pain came. In fact, I could hardly feel whatever it was I landed on. My breathing was frantic, my eyes shut tight as my body started to shake. My hands reaching out around me to try to grip on something. My hands reaching out to the ground below my waist, feeling the outline of a threadlike substance. But the thing is, I couldn't feel it. I could only sense it almost, like it was there but it wasn't at the same time.

  Slowly I begun to open my eyes, only to be welcome by the sight of a clear blue sky. Birds chirping and flying overhead as a few clouds where scattered here and there. I shot upright, my breathing now ragged as my hands came up to my chest. My head shot around, my eyes searching and taking in my surroundings.

  The thread-like substance that I felt was none other then grass that stretched on for as far as I could see around me. A few clusters of trees scattered here and there on the area I sat on. The sound of birds chirping and the rustles of leaves filled my ears, the air strangely easy to breath.


   I nearly jumped out of my skin as I turned quickly around and saw a women sitting on a rock. Her hands calmly laid in her lap as she gazed at me with warm eyes. Her stance unnaturally calm in such a strange place. She had solid dark brown hair that cascaded around her petite frame, ending at her waist. She wore a white gown that was tinted with grey, the sleeves opening wider as they reached towards her wrists, the same went with her gown as it ended towards her ankles. She was barefoot, her feet nestled in the grass below. Her eyes a warm shade of chocolate brown as she gazed calmly upon me. "You must wonder why you are here."

   My mouth gaped, but I didn't respond. I was too busy staring. Not in a creepy way though. It was because of her skin. Her skin was almost translucent, me able to see the trees and area right through her. I could still see her though, she was materialized enough to the point where I could. Almost as if she was a--

   "Ghost. Yes, I know. That is because I am one, Chosen Child." The mysterious women spoke smoothly and fluently, her accent evened out amongst the words. I backed up some on my butt, scooting back. Did she just read my mind?

   "How did you read my mind?" 

   The girl gave a half smile, the sides of her eyes wrinkling slightly. "It is a Gift that I have strengthen over my years when I was alive. But that was such a long time ago."

  I gulped and blinked a few times, looking off to my surroundings as I tried to calculate what the hell was going on. Pushing my hair behind my ear, I closed my eyes and tried to focus my breathing.

   "I'm in another one of those dreams aren't I?" I said calmly, my eyes still closed.

   A few moments of silence before the woman spoke again. "Yes. You are. You have once been in this type of dream before. That is because you are just know gaining your abilities. Which is a good sign, Chosen Child."

ℒove at First Bite ≫ One Direction/Vampire (AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن