twenty four // run

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- Gabry -

   The only reaction that I could think of was too scream. Seeing the man--whom I remembered the name of was Liam--standing in the doorway, his chin and shirt covered in blood. I knew that everyone in this house were vampires, but I never expected to actually see them covered in blood. I just found out that they were vampires--or re-remembered, however the hell that worked--but all I know is that now I remembered the night in the alleyway. When the curly-haired man by the name of Harry had attacked me, and then Raven Haired had bit Alec, leaving him for dead in the alleyway.

   "Niall, what are you doing here?!" Liam spat out, his teeth bared. Two teeth looking more sharp then the rest of them. Niall cowered back some, his back hunching slightly as if he was scared. I wouldn't blame him, I was scared too. That's when I decided to scream, causing Niall and Louis, whom was hiding behind Liam, to look at me. Liam's eyes were glued to Niall, not moving. Liam took a few steps forward, gripping the back of Niall's t-shirt and slamming him against the wall causing a bang to echo throughout the small room and the wall to shake. Niall gave out a terrified yelp as his head bounced off the wall, his eyes wide as he looked down at Liam, whom held him at least 3 feet off the ground, Niall's back flat against the wall.

   "I asked what are you doing in here?!" Liam sneered again. I watched Niall shut his eyes tightly, it not taking a genius to figure out that Liam now had his fangs fully out. A cold hand gripped my shoulder tearing me from my thoughts. My head snapped to my right, seeing Louis kneeling down his arm outstretched as he looked at me. His blue eyes met mine, them full  of sympathy and compassion.

   "Are you okay? Just calm, down everything is gonna be alright, yea?" Louis said calmly as he stared directly into my eyes. I felt slightly uncomfortable under his intense gaze, me taking detail of his pupils slightly dilating back and forth. "Just calm down Gabry, calm down."

   I wasn't feeling calm at all, the opposite actually. A tense feeling swelling up in my gut as I tried to shrug Louis' hand off my arm. He didn't budge though, his hand in a death grip, not tight enough to were it was uncomfortable but enough to where it kept me in place. Niall continued to give out choked sobs as he struggled to get away from Liam, his hands not doing any good as he pushed against Liam's wrist.

   "G-Get off me!" I said louder then I expected. The feeling in my gut tensed more, causing it to become slightly more painful then a few short seconds before. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see Niall's gaze snap over to me, his eyes widening in worry. Why was he worried? Louis wouldn't hurt me? Would he?

   Louis brow furrowed as he continued to stare into my eyes, making me shift more trying harder to push against his stone hard grip. "I-It's not working... why isn't it working?" Louis mumbled, his eyes looking me up and down as if he was going to find the answer.

   What wasn't working? What the hell was he trying to do?

   Louis grip became tighter, causing me to gasp out in pain. Then, all of a sudden, Louis left out a choked sound as he tensed. His hand fell off my arm, coming up to his head. He looked up, making contact with me. I gasped as I saw a trail of blood come out of his nose, trailing down his cupid's brow right above his mouth. Then he fell, smacking hard against the ground. Both of his hands shot to his head as he curled in on himself, blood trailing now out of his ears and eyes.

  Liam turned around, dropping Niall who slide along the wall till his butt hit the ground. His eyes were red with tears, a few escaped down his cheeks. My head snapped towards Liam who stared at me with blazing eyes. "What did you do!?" He asked, his voice getting louder with each word he spoke.

ℒove at First Bite ≫ One Direction/Vampire (AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora