thirty four // truth

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- Gabry -

        "I came as soon as I got your text. Is everything alright?" Louis asked, his voice filled with worry. Silently he climbed through my window, dragging snow droplets onto my hard wood floor.

        "Yeah, everything's fine. Just. . . I need help." 

        "Is this about leaving? Listen I know it's hard--"

        "It's not about that." I interrupted, me walking over to my desk and grabbing the note which had the prophecy written on it. "Well, actually, I think this is far more important for you to hear." 

        "What's this?" I handed him the card, him grabbing it and looking at it. "All I can say is that he has lived a sad life, always the outcast in the depths of waters. Abandoned by lust. And he wasn't the one who damned a friend." Louis repeated. His brow furrowed in confusion, him looking up at me again. "What is this?" 

        I took a deep breath. "Listen, I haven't been completely honest with you about me." 

        He looked generally concerned now. "What do you mean? Gabry I thought you said you told me everything."

        I winced, "Yeah, that's not entirely true." 

        That's when I told him everything. Told him about when I go to sleep I sometimes see Ghost Girl her telling me that I need to trust Louis and the boys. I told him that one of them was my Protector, that whoever my Protector was was that they were going to help me. I told him about the prophecy, how she said that she didn't have much time on this plain and that she was trying to tell me as much as she could. 

        Louis took this all in surprisingly well. But as soon as I mentioned the Protector part he stilled.

        He sat in silence his hand stroking his chin, eyes focused on the opposite wall of my bedroom. "Now you're telling me the entire truth right? Not leaving anything out?" 

        The Darkness. I had told him everything except about the fact that something out there was doing something bad. Holding back from telling him something that was the most valuable piece of information made my stomach turn, but I just couldn't risk him leaving. . . and taking me with him.

        "There was also some other dreams that I had too." I started. "The first time I actually dreamt about Harry and Zayn in the alleyway. It came true a few days later when you and Niall rescued us."

        Louis looked at me, nodding for me to continue.

        "Then. . . there was one where it was like I was looking through the eyes of somebody else. It was a woman and she was hurt. It was somewhere dark too. There was a group of people but I only saw this one guy was hurting her and demanding things about finding something. I couldn't get a clear look at their faces but I could tell the guy above her was threatening her pretty badly." 

        "What did he look like?" Louis asked, his voice eager. I flinched back slightly at his tone, surprised he was so into what I was telling him. He quickly apologized.

        "I couldn't get a clear look, everything was hazy. But he had a accent too. Like a cross between British and something else. But their was something off about the woman who's eyes I was looking through too. She. . . " I quickly stopped talking as I started to slowly think about it. "Oh my god." 

        "What?" Louis asked, his voice filled with worry. "What is it Gabry?" 

        "The woman," I started. "I-I think she was like me. The dream ended when she used her hand to make this thing fall from the ceiling and kill her." 

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