fifteen // "i'm watching."

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   Normally this would be the time for me to go out back to my stump. Sit there breathing in the fresh winter filled air as I let my mind wonder away from me. But no. I wasn't to go out there any time soon. Everything was coming from all angles at me too fast, cluttering my brain like a homework procrastinator's room.

   Instead I sat in my room, intently staring outside of the window looking at Louis' House across the way. It snowed overnight again, the thin layer now re-stacked into being shin deep. The sun's light reflected off the shiny surface making my room illuminated, even when I was on the second story of my house.

   It was almost dinner time, and I haven't left my room all day. My mother still at work in town, my father still thinking I'm sick and lying in bed. I wasn't sick anymore though. In fact, I felt better then I have in ages. My body felt refreshed and my limbs no longer ached. My headache now vanished.

   Continuing to study the small one story house across the way, my right hand fumbled with the pen and notepad next to me. I had written all the things that have happened within last night and today earlier. Trying to click the things together as if it was a puzzle.

   I had gotten nowhere though. Multiple scribbles and circles criss crossed over names and events that had occurred.

   Memory Loss. Louis bringing me home. Hand healed. Sick with migraine. Man in dreams. Weird dreams about Louis. 

   I had gotten nowhere. None of this stuff made sense. Absolutely none of it.

   I had text ed Alec earlier who was talking as if we had a normal outing, oblivious to the fact that somehow I turned up back at my house without him--and with Louis instead.

   I decided he was no use of help. So here I am now, trying to figure all this crap out. Alone.

   I was so frustrated that I was getting to the point where I was going to march my way over to his house, banging on the front door and demanding answers. But something in my gut told me I shouldn't do that. Plus, how would I even ask him? 'Hey, I have memory loss and somehow my hand healed, Oh and my Dad said you brought me home last night even though I didn't see you.' Yeah that sounds like a great conversation right there.

   Plus, I had a hint of fear deep in my gut as well. After all, I did see a man that I saw kill my best friend in my dream. I did not want to come face to face with him. Or Alec to come face to face with him especially.

   Especially not Alec.



   I sat in the living room, my back against the wall. We still didn't have furniture in our Living Room, so we still had to sit on the floor. I was alone, Louis in his room along with Liam. Zayn and Harry most likely in their room. The sun was supposed to go down in a little less then an hour, so hopefully Louis can then go hunting.

   Even though I was a newborn, and I was supposed to have a never ending blood lust, I wasn't in the mood for hunting. Which I guess was quiet odd. But I just wasn't in the mood.

   My knees where pulled up to my chest as I tried to make my mind focus on something other then the fact that Louis practically had a seizure in front of me, and I couldn't do anything about it. I was almost tempted to tell Liam to take Louis' Sun Ring and go grab some quick blood for him, but I knew better then to do that. Louis never took his ring off. Ever. 

   I guess it must mean something extremely special to him. And I always wondered, why did Louis only have a Sun Ring? Why didn't we have any? It would've helped us out in some cases sometimes. I never got the guts to ask though, mind as well keep it to myself.

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