thirteen // louis

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8:23 a.m. (next morning, Sunday)

    I stared at my ceiling, my head throbbing with every heartbeat. I felt like Literally.

   Ever since my 'nightmare' that I had, I haven't been able to sleep at all. Plus I was still just a little freaked out that somehow my jacked up hand is perfectly fine and someone that I have never seen before except in my dreams is real--and living across the way at Louis'.

   Curling up into a ball, I covered myself more with my covers till they were up to my chin. I winced when my legs came up to my stomach, causing a sharp pain to spread through my torso. Everything basically hurt. My head throbbed, my stomach always kept learching, and I had a strange taste in my mouth. I shut my eyes and tried to focus on something other then the pain in my body. But it didn't seem to help at all. My headache would throb more reminding me that it was there.

   A few minutes passed when I heard a soft knock at my door. Before I could respond I heard the click of the handle and the sound of the door against the wood flooring. I looked over my shoulder and saw the man I have been waiting to get home.

   "Dad?", I asked with my morning voice. Sure enough my flesh-and-blood parent was standing in the doorway, a big grin on his face as the same light brown eyes that I had looked back at me.

   "Hey hun. Just came in to check up on you", he said with his deep rough voice. I felt my face furrow in confusion as I leaned back on my elbows so I could sit up.

   "Oh. .Uh. Ok, But when did you get back?", I asked.

   "Last night? Don't you remember? I was here when your friend Louis dropped you off, he said that you weren't feeling well. So he dropped you off."

   I felt my confusion grow. Louis brought me home? But I don't remember even seeing him last night...

   "Oh. . uh. . Ok, Wait what about Alec?"

   "Louis said that Alec had to leave early. I'm not sure about it. But are you feeling better though?", he asked, his last words filled with worry.

   "Yea, peachy", I lied. He drew his mouth in a straight line and nodded back.

   "Ok, but there's some food on the table downstairs if you want any. Your mother left for work earlier so it's just us two here."

   I nodded back. "Ok, I think I'll be down in a few if I get hungry or not."

   He sighed and turned to leave, but he stopped short. "Gabry?"

   I looked back up at him. "Yeah?"

   He gave a pause before he spoke, "That Louis guy is quite a charmer."



   Me and Liam sat in Louis' room. Louis laid on his cot, his skin sticky with sweat and his body giving off unnatural waves of heat. He looked terrible, no not even terrible, something else entirely that words can't explain. His normally tan skin was pale and his eyes were suken in. But what threw me off the most was his eyes. It was like he was stuck inbetween his human deisguise and vampire side. His human desguise was his blue eyes, but when we look like vampires our whole eyes go black. But Louis, no no only the blue part of his eyes were black the whites still showing. And his fangs were halfway out instead of all the way, just barly peaking out from his upper lip.

   I have been sitting here studying him, trying to figure out what is going on. But my mind comes up blank. I am new to this whole Vampire thing anyway, so I wouldn't even know anything even if I tried. Liam sat in a wooden chair beside Louis' cot, his hand in Louis'. His face was emotionless as he stared at his best mate. I could only imagine what he's going through right now.

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