Chapter Fifteen

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Mason POV:

I am dead on my feet as I walk into the shop. I am not a morning person, and I am severely regretting getting up extra early today. I figured it would be the responsible decision to come in early, seeing as I am leaving a couple hours early, but I have no idea what was going through my head at that moment. There is a reason I don't get up early; it sucks. Its Friday, which means I have my date with Jack tonight. Kamryn insisted on helping me get ready for my date, which means I have to start getting ready, like, three hours beforehand.

I unlock the front door and walk inside, flipping the sign to OPEN. I turn the lights on as I go in and walk into the garage, raising the big metal door that allows cars to pull into the work area. When I walk back into the shop I go straight to the sound system and turn it on, letting music flow through the shop. Kamryn won't be in for at least another hour so I am all alone with my music and cars until then.

When I go into the actual garage part of the building, I look around trying to find something to occupy myself with. I look to the far edge of the room, if you could even call it a room, and see his car, slightly hidden beneath a sheet that I had lazily draped over the car.

I want to hate him. I want to be angry with him for being so hot and cold all the time. I want to want him to leave my life. But I can't. Deep down, I don't hate him. Deep down, I am not really angry with him because I am hot and cold with him too. And the worst part is, I know that if I push hard enough he will leave and I don't want that. And that scares me. A lot.

I have never been one to show my feelings. After my mom died, I hid my feelings deep within myself, afraid to be hurt again. Nobody wants to lose someone they love, especially not a parent. And losing my mom changed me.

I have never felt this way about anyone. There was never anyone in my life that I wanted to stay as much as I want James to stay. But why? Why do I want him to stay? He is rude and obnoxious more times than he isn't. He is demeaning and arrogant. And he would never, ever like me, especially if he knew my past. He is a player, always out with a different girl. Girls who are famous or foreign and exotic. Girls who could be models instantly. Girls who care about how they look and act. Girls who are fancy and proper, who would never do anything to break a nail. And those girls are the total opposite of me.

I could care less what people thought about me. I am not fancy, nor will I ever be. I am not tall and beautiful and I am okay with that. I work on cars for a living, and when I get home I smell like grease and am covered by oil. But I wouldn't want to live my life any other way.


Sitting in the shop, mulling over my feelings, made the hour without Kamryn go by really quickly. I didn't get any work done during that time, which is very unusual for me. So of course, Kamryn had to ask what was wrong.

"You didn't get any work done. You usually have at least something done by the time I get here." She pointed out.

I didn't want to tell her the real reason I was distracted so I said, "I was just thinking. About my mom, and about tonight. She always talked about how excited she was for me to start dating. She loved to gossip and couldn't wait for me to be old enough to talk about boys with her."

I smile to myself at the memory.


My mom and I both sat on the couch, bawling our eyes out. We just finished watching Romeo and Juliet, one of her favorite movies. Of course it had to be the 1968 version with Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey. My mom loved the classics and accepted nothing else. She was a spitfire but had an old soul. She had insisted I had to watch it because, and I quote, "This Romeo and Juliet is a cinematic tour de force, and you will absolutely love it." Me being 10 years old had no idea what "cinematic tour de force meant" but she was right about me loving it.

"That was the saddest move ever Mom. Why would you make me watch it?" I whined. Secretly, I loved the movie but I was too busy crying to realize it.

"Because darling, this movie is one of the classics. And Leonard Whiting was so handsome in his youth."

I giggled softly. "Eww mom. Boys have cooties."

"That's right. Boys have cooties and don't you ever forget that." I turned around and saw my dad walking in the door. I jumped up and ran straight into his arms.

"Daddy, daddy! Your home!" I yelled.

He picked me up and swung me around in his arms. "Of course I'm home. I'll always come home to my two favorite girls."

"Mom said I will like boys one day. Tell her she's wrong dad. Boys are gross." I said with disgust.

"That's right. No boys until your thirty." He laughed and put me down. I ran back over to my mom and cuddled up under the blanket with her.

She laughed. "One day Mason you will be interested in boys, and when that happens, you have to promise me that we will gossip about them for hours. Ok?" And she stuck her pinky out.

I looked at her skeptically. "That is never going to happen but ok..." And I interlocked my pinky with hers, sealing our promise.

"Now who wants pizza?" My dad yelled from the hallway.

*End of flashback*

Tears welled in my eyes at the memory of my once happy family. If I could have one wish in the world, it would be to go back in time and spend as much time as I could with my family before things went south.

Kamryn smiles at me sympathetically and leaves me to work, knowing I need a minute alone. I wipe my eyes and turn back to my work, which is basically nothing today. I am pretty much just waiting for an emergency repair to roll in.

I decide to head into my office and lay down on the couch that sits in there. Slowly I fall asleep listening to the low melody of whatever song is playing.


Chapter 15 is now up. I am so sorry for the delay in posting. Life was crazy hectic during the school year and I haven't had any time to write. I am hoping to change that this summer.

I hope you guys like this chapter! Vote and comment! I want to hear from you! 📖📖

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