Chapter Five

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James POV:

"You know nothing about me..." Why do I feel like I want to?

"Hi, I am Mason Prescott..." How did I not make the connection before?

"You might want to close your mouth before you catch flies."

The events of the morning are on replay in my mind as I sit at the office. I haven't been able to focus on work all morning- scratch that- all day. I open the bottom drawer on the left side of my desk and pull out a bottle of whiskey and a glass. I begin to pour myself a rather large drink when the door opens and Chase comes barging in. "What the hell do you think you're doing man?" He snatches the glass from my hand. "Hey. I am just having a drink." "Just having a drink?" He cried incredulously. "It is barely noon and you are pouring yourself a huge glass of whiskey. What the hell happened?" I recall the events of the morning and when I finish telling the story, he looks just as shell shocked as I feel.

"Damn man! Now I get it, but it still doesn't warrant a glass of that," he says disgusted. "Besides, we are going out anyway tonight. Wait until then to get drunk out of your mind." And with that he leaves my office, leaving me alone with my thoughts once again.


Mason POV:

The look on the jerk's face was priceless when I shut the door in his face. He stood there for a good five minutes before he came to his senses and walked away. I guess I can't blame him for not knowing my name since I don't know his, but I can look in a file and he should know who the mechanic fixing his car is. Right? Who cares. I won't see him again, at least not anytime soon. I have a couple cars to work on today and paperwork. Fun.

I begin working on a 2012 Honda Pilot. Thankfully my first job today is an easy one. I just have to do a inspection. I hook up the car to the computer and begin the electrical check. Meanwhile, I do a physical inspection of the car. I rotate the tires, change the oil, and refill the washer fluid. The electrical inspection finishes and shows nothing is wrong. I grab the keys to the car and pull it out of the garage and into the holding parking lot. I go to the next car and pull it into the garage and perform the same inspection. Kamryn finally comes in while I am working on the second car of the day. "Where have you been woman?" I fake anger at her. "Sorry, I slept in. What's got you in a bad mood?" She asks. "You have no idea. This morning has been way too crazy for my liking," I say. "The jerk with the nice car came back and we got into a huge fight. He assumed that I was just here to look cool and rebel against my parents. He though he had my whole life figured out and he couldn't have been more wrong," I ranted. "Ooh, bringing up your parents. Not a good move on his part."

"I know right. So naturally, I went off at him. Yelling, screaming, the whole nine yards. And I left it off with 'My name is Mason Prescott, owner of this fine establishment, and blah blah blah. He just stood there with his mouth hanging open so I said 'You might want to close your mouth before you catch flies' before shutting the door on him," I said shrugging my shoulders. "Damn girl. Well I am proud of you. But, do you know who 'the jerk' is?" She asks, looking worried. "No, I will just look at his file later," I say not thinking about it. "He is James Brady Parker. As in Parker Hotels and Resorts. He is a freaking billionaire!" She shouts. "And I should care why?" I ask. "He could shut us down. He could take our house. Oh god. What if he is secretly doing illegal things and is going to kill us?" She starts to panic. "Hey, hey. Calm down. It is going to be fine. If anything happens it will be on me okay? He can't take the house, you own it. He can't take the shop because you work here. It fine. Nothing will happen. Now calm down and go to work. We are going out later remember? Unless you don't want to, I mean I am totally fine with that." "No, we are still going out. You're right. I am overreacting." Maybe we can leave early today to get ready. It is Friday." "Only if you start working now," I say and she walks off. I love her like a sister, but sometimes she can get a little dramatic. Besides, it isn't like my words could have hurt him that bad. It was mostly about me and he is an a**hole so calling him one fits his personality. Nothing wrong with that.

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