Chapter Two

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Mason POV:

I just finished working on Mr. Alan's sedan, and I was sweating like a pig. It was over 80 degrees today, and I was definitely feeling the heat. I had to replace his radiator and he needed an oil change as well. Not too hard of a job today, for me at least. I opened this garage when I was twenty years old. It started out of the garage of my house, fixing cars for neighbors. I grew up loving cars. They were my escape from reality. Something about working with your hands, getting them covered in grease, appealed to me. Or maybe it was the fact that I got to fix something that was broken, since I couldn't do that for myself. As I got more and more business, I began to realize that this was what I love, that this was what I wanted to do with my life. I bought my garage, hired my best friend as my secretary-slash-manager, and business took off from there.

Still feeling the heat, I stood up and took off my t-shirt, leaving me in only a tank top. I figured it was almost lunch time so no one else would be scheduled to come in. I turn around and let out a little squeak, that was thankfully too quiet for the man standing behind me to hear. I quickly do a once-over of the man. He was tall with dark brown hair and blueish-green eyes, that I found myself getting lost in. I quickly came to my senses. I didn't even know the man and I was subtly checking him out. "See somethin you like," I say with a smirk when I catch him looking at me. Immediately a scowl returns to his face. "No, I was just wondering what a girl is doing in an auto repair shop," He replies, returning the smirk. Who does this man think he is? It is 2020, auto repair is not only a guys job. I don't consider myself a hardcore feminist, but there is definitely something wrong with that statement. Without overthinking what I am about to say, I shoot out, "There was a girl upfront wasn't there." "Look, I would love to hang around and bicker with you like an old married couple, but I have places to be." I choked on air. He sees this and his smirk grows bigger. "A c-couple," I splutter, my nerves getting to me. "Please, anyone would be lucky not to know you." Yes! I thought to myself. Saved it! "Saved what?"  He asks, looking completely confused. Ugh, did I say that out loud? "Yes, yes you did," Came his reply.

"So what was it you needed?" I ask, plastering a faker than fake smile on my face. "My car broke down on my way somewhere. I called a tow truck and he brought me here. I was told Mason was the best around." I had to bite my lip to hide my smile. Rudy was so sweet, I can't believe he said that. The man continued, "I need to speak with Mason. I have a meeting in two hours. He needs to fix it before that." One of his words struck me the wrong way. He? Then it occurred to me. He had no idea Mason was a girl, and that girl was me. I decided to play along. "Well Mason is in his office on his break. I will make sure to relay the message as soon as possible." I tell him, grinning. This will definitely get under his skin. He looks frustrated. "Look woman," he says, "I don't know who you think you are but I run a tight schedule and I definitely don't need you screwing that up. So go to the back and tell your boyfriend, brother, or father, whoever this Mason guy is, to come out here and fixed my goddamn car." He roars. "Did you ever think he could be my boss?" I scream back. "You know what, just go. I will make sure your car is fixed" I say calmly. I do not have the energy to keep this up. I see Kamryn come in but she stays standing off to the side. "Fine. I will get a ride back. I will be coming back tomorrow to pick up my car." And he walks out the door.

"That was quite the screaming match you had there. I didn't think you had it in you, and I was quite impressed." Kamryn says looking genuinely surprised. "That man was just pushing my buttons all the wrong ways," I tell her. "Like, who does he think he is. He didn't even bother asking who I was. He just assumed I was here with a GUY named Mason. How rude is that?" I rant. She gives me a soft smile. "You seriously need a break. Why don't we go into the city tomorrow and go to the new club?" Leave it to Kamryn to think of going to a club at a time like this. She has always been the partier between us. When I moved here at eighteen, she was the first person I ran into. Literally. I was walking down the street and when I turned the corner, she was right there and BAM! I ran right into her. Apparently I looked as lost as I felt, because she said, "Are you new? You look lost." When I agreed, she showed me around the entire town. We clicked instantly. Now we work together in the shop and she has been there for me every step of the way. She is the closest thing to family I have ever had.

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