Chapter Three

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James POV:

As I walk out the door of the mechanic shop, I can't help but think over our little screaming match in the garage. She was so quick with her comebacks towards me. It was kind of refreshing to hear someone speak back to me, not just nod and look down like all my employees. Wait a minute, what am I saying? It was refreshing? No, I can't think like that. Nobody speaks to me like that and gets away with it, at least they didn't before. Why start now? I call up Chase to have him pick me up. Hopefully he is still in the area.

"I am at the auto shop. I need you to come pick me up?" I tell Chase as soon as he picks up. "Hey man," he says. "I should at least get a hi, or a how are you. And what if I am not free to come get you?" He replies with a chuckle. "Cut the bullsh*t man. I am not in a good mood. This girl in the shop was giving me a hard time for no reason. I didn't even meet this Mason dude. Who knows what will happen to my car." "Relax man, I am sure it is in good hands. The man who towed your truck recommended them, right?" He confirms. "Yes, but that doesn't mean they are good. Just pick me up. I will never get to my office in time to prepare for the meeting, so we can head to the bar or something." And with that statement, I hang up the phone.

A few minutes later, Chase pulls up. I get into the passenger seat of his 2020 Ford F-150 Raptor. Images of the girl from the shop trying to get into the Raptor flash through my mind and I laugh quietly to myself. She wasn't super short but definitely shorter than most, maybe around 5'2 or 5'3. Compared to my 6'1 height, it was short. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Chase look at me. "What are you laughing about? Is it a girl?" Chase asked. I feel my cheeks heat up. "No, its not about a girl. When do I ever laugh about a girl?" I roll my eyes. It is about a girl, but I will never admit that. "Sure man. So what's her name?" I smack him. "Its not about a girl!" I say, frustrated and returning back to my sour mood.

Soon we pull up to a diner at the edge of the city. We used to come here all the time. After school, we would go home, get our bikes, then ride here and get something to eat. A corner booth in the back is where we sat each and everyday. We would do homework, play games, or just sit and chill as we got older. Henrietta, the owner, knows us by name. She was like an aunt to me growing up, and she is one of the only people in my life that I can actually tolerate. As we walk into the diner, the bells go off above our heads, signaling our arrival. "Hey boys, how are you today?" Henrietta asks. "We are doing well Henrietta," Chase says. I just grunt in response. "What happened now, James?" She asks in a soft voice. "Nothing, dammit," I say and storm over to our booth. I put my head in my hands and closed my eyes, trying to calm down. What is this girl doing to me? I ask myself. I hear quiet footsteps come over to me, and a hand is place on my shoulder. "What's wrong dear?" Henrietta asks quietly. This is what I love about her, she never cares for my B.S. and talks to me anyway. "I honestly don't know Henrietta. This morning my car broke down while I was on my way to lunch with Chase. I called a tow truck and he took me to Mason's Mechanics, some auto repair shop outside the city. I get there and this girl was in the garage. She was giving me such a hard time and wouldn't let me speak to Mason, the owner. We had this huge screaming match before I left, but now I am starting to feel bad. Well not bad, but I feel like I shouldn't have said some of those things. But at the same time, I want to punch something."

"Interesting," she said. "Do you know anything about this girl?" "No, nothing." "Well, in my opinion, I think you are intrigued about the fact she spoke back to you. You aren't used to that." "I guess you have a point," I say. "So it is curiosity. Nothing more?" I ask. "Yes, as far as I am concerned. Nothing more. I don't think you are capable of it being anything more." And with that, the heart to heart conversation ended. I ordered my usual, as did Chase, and we began to talk. We talked about mindless chatter, about lives, businesses, girls. The usual when catching up. "Hey man, when was the last time you went out?" Chase asked after our food arrived. "I don't know. I have been swamped with work, you know that." "We should go out tomorrow night man. I just opened up my new club not too long ago. One night. Have fun. Let loose." "Fine. One night," I agree. To be honest, I am not sure ow I feel about this. I know I need to get out and have fun, I am twenty-five. But I also know I have a lot of responsibilities. But a couple drinks won't hurt, and Chase is my best friend. He gets so excited about showing me his new clubs. He didn't want to get into the hotel business, so I took over Parker Resorts and Hotels completely, while he works in restaurants and clubs.

Soon, our bill came. We paid and headed out. Since I had missed so much work during the day, I decided to stay late to finish up. I had Chase drop me off at the office and I head up to my floor. I pass my secretary without a word and walk into my office, slamming the door. I sit at my desk and being to work, going through papers after papers, contracts after contracts, and proposals after proposals. I eventually look up at the clock and realize its half past nine. I re-organize my desk before grabbing my suit jacket and phone. I call an Uber and wait in the lobby. The Uber pulls up and I get in, telling him the directions to my apartment. Ten minutes later, we reach the apartment complex I live in. I make enough to afford a mansion, but it would get to be too much for me. I am always out on business anyways so an apartment, well penthouse, is more suitable. I pay the driver and head inside saying hello to the doorman as I walk by. I nod to the receptionist, and hurry to the elevator. I don't really like her, the receptionist. She is always bothering me, like a mosquito in my ear. I see her running towards me in the elevator, and thankfully they close before she gets to me. It has been a bad enough day already, and I don't need anything adding to my stress.

I get into my penthouse and go straight into my room. I take off my shoes and jacket and put them away. I change out of my suit and into basketball shorts, but no shirt. I head into one of the rooms in my penthouse, down the hall from my room. It is where I keep all my workout equipment. There is a treadmill, cycle, weights, ropes, basically anything you can think of needing when working out. I quickly stretch and head over to the treadmill to start. I love running, especially outside with the wind blowing at you, but I never have time. I settle on running indoors to release my stress. I begin to jog and think over my day, starting with my car breaking down. As I think more and more about the irritating, yet intriguing, girl, I run faster and faster. Before I know it, I have run 15 miles. I begin my cool down. I finish on the treadmill and lay down to finish my workout. I do core for half an hour and weights for half an hour. I shower and change into sweatpants and a t-shirt, and go to the kitchen to eat. I opened my refrigerator and take out leftovers from last night. I was able to come home early enough last night to make something decent, so I had meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I pull out the food and pop it into the microwave to warm it up. It isn't the greatest leftover, but it will do for tonight. After I eat it is almost midnight. It has been a really long day and I am exhausted. I shut off all the lights and head to bed. After tossing and turning for a while I eventually get to sleep, dreaming of a short brunette girl.

The next morning I wake up and get ready for work. I got up earlier than normal since I wanted to get to the auto shop and get my car quickly. I remember about going out tonight, which means I have to get a lot of work done during the day. Yay me! I think. I make a piece of toast before I head out. On my way out I call Chase and tell him to come pick me up. I wait in the lobby for him to pull up and I check my emails. Over 45 emails in less than 12 hours. That has to be some sort of record. I see Chase pull up in his Raptor and climb in. The ride to the mechanic is silent, it is too early for conversation. About twenty minutes later we pull up to the mechanics. I thank Chase and climb out, walking inside the doors.

Third chapter complete! I am thinking that I will go back and forth between POV for each chapter. Please vote and comment!

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