Chapter Ten

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Mason POV:

Tuesday morning I got up and got ready for work. After yesterday's events I was exhausted and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I surprisingly didn't have any nightmares, but instead they were replaced with something worse. A dream, specifically a dream about James. Ugh, why can't I get his stupid, handsome face out of my head? We were my dream date. A hike up the mountains to see the sunset and a picnic. Simple, sweet, and beautiful. But then I was woken up by my stupid alarm clock bringing me back to the real world. The world in which I am going on a date with Jack, one of my best friends.

I got ready like any other morning and headed downstairs. When I got down there, Kamryn was already sitting at the table eating breakfast. I went into the kitchen and popped two waffles into the toaster oven. I turned to look at Kamryn. "What are you doing up so early?" I question. Kamryn is never down before me. I will be lucky if she is awake before I leave the house.

"I haven't spent much time in work lately and I am starting to miss being at work with you." She looks over at me with an apologetic look. "Don't be sorry. You have been going out with Chase. I am happy for you." She smiles at me.

"This is why I love you!" She blows me a kiss.

I roll my eyes and the toaster oven dings signaling my waffle is done cooking. I pull it out and almost burn my hand on the hot metal of the toaster. I grab the syrup and sit down at the table. I turn on the news to entertain myself, but I am not sure why I bother. It is the same old thing everyday. Some celebrity is getting a divorce, the nation's debt increased, or some group is protesting something. Don't get me wrong. I care about the issues in today's world, but it feels like they are playing a broken record. The same old stories everyday. I start scrolling through channels but stop when I see James' name flash on the screen.

James Parker spotted with new girl leaving his home.

Of course. I don't know why I thought he would've liked me. He was just being nice because I am fixing his car and doesn't want me to cut his brakes. That would be hilarious.

Kamryn flashes me a sympathetic smile but I brush it off. "You ready to head out?" I ask. She nods and puts her dishes in the dishwasher. I do the same and grab my keys. We walk out the door together and, thankfully, there are no flower petals this time around. We climb into my truck and pull out of the driveway, into the direction of the shop.


I get to the shop and Kamryn sets her stuff behind the desk. I flip our sign from closed to open and we head into the back. I turn on the speaker and hook up my phone so I can play music. "Might you have any requests for what we listen to this fine morning?" I say in a terrible British accent. She curtsies and says, "I do as a matter of fact. Might you play One Of Them Girls by Lee Brice?" We both break out in laughter with tears rolling down our faces. I turn on the music and we start singing at the top of our lungs.

I hear the phone ringing and I turn down the music. I run to the phone hanging on the wall and pick up.

"Hey Mason! It's Andy. I have your part. Are you coming today to get it?" Sh*t. I totally forgot.

"Yeah. I am coming. Its been a rough few days so I forgot. I am about to head out now. See you in a couple hours!" I hang up the phone and head over to Kamryn. She had just gone back to her desk to start work when I walk over to her. "Hey! I know the whole reason you came to work today was to hangout with me since you haven't been here for a while, but I forgot that I have to go to Andy's to pick up a part for James' car." I give her a nervous look. I feel bad about leaving her but the sooner I get this part, the sooner I fix his car, and the sooner he will be out of my hair.

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