Chapter Fourteen

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James POV:

I had a plan. A well thought out, very carefully planned, plan. Go to Mason's Mechanics. Demand for my car back. And walk out without speaking a word to Mason. I knew the minute she spoke to me, my resolve would crumble. I made the decision to avoid her. It doesn't matter how she makes me feel, I am not good for her. She doesn't need my baggage in her life. She doesn't need someone who switches from hot to cold on a daily basis. She doesn't need my "daddy" issues as girls usually call it. She doesn't need my messed up past. She doesn't need me, and after everything I have done to her, she probably doesn't want me either. But when do my plans ever work out the way I plan?

What I hadn't planned for was the pain of not knowing where she was. I got to Mason's Mechanics and I walked in. Kamryn looked up at me but didn't say anything.

"Isn't it your job to greet people when they come in?" I asked her.

"Only if I remotely like the person. And you most definitely do not fall into that category." She replied.

So she was mad. Of course she was mad. I was an a**hole to her best friend. I deserved every minute of it. But of course, I had to respond like the a**hole I was.

"F*ck off. I want my car back now!" I demand.

The conversation went back and forth for a while but she eventually gave in and agreed to give me my car, but only when Mason got back. And that brings us to now.

"What do you mean when Mason gets back? She isn't here? Where is she?" I try to hide the panic in my voice. What if she isn't okay? What if she gets hurt? And the worst thought, what if she is with someone else?

"She is out with Jack. He asked her out a few days ago," she says with a casual tone. Like it isn't a big deal. But it is a big deal, a huge deal. Only to me though.

"She is WHAT?" I yell angrily.

Kamryn smirks. "Does that bother you? That she is out with someone besides yourself."

Hell yes it bothers me. "No. It doesn't," I seethe through my teeth. I am fuming inside.

Kamryn begins to laugh. It starts as a chuckle but by the time I calm myself down she is full on cackling. "What's so funny?" I ask.

"Your face! She is at the gym dimwit." She is still laughing.

I snarl, literally snarl at her. "That isn't funny," I say. And to save face I add, "I didn't care if she was on a date, but not when it interferes with my day. Like getting my car."

"Oh really?" Kamryn asks suspiciously, her eyes in narrow slits. "So you wouldn't mind her going on a date tomorrow night with Jack. Because that when they are actually going." She says it with a shrug and turns her attention back to her computer screen, silently dismissing me.

I feel the anger and jealousy building inside me, like the fuse burning on a bomb, and I am seconds away from exploding. She is going out with another man. She. Is. Going. On. A. Date. With. Another. Man. And it has to be Jack of all people. The boy she knows, the boy that knows her. Chase has told me how close they are. Apparently Jack has had a crush on her since he first laid eyes on her or some sh*t like that. You haven't stopped thinking about her since you first saw her either, dumba**.

Kamryn stops typing when she realizes I am still standing there and looks up. I am still staring daggers at her, but not intentionally. Internally, I am imagining Jack on Kamryn's face and I am glaring daggers at him instead.

"Are you okay?" She asks concerned. I don't answer. Instead I turn around and walk out the door, leaving Kamryn sitting there, staring after me.


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