Chapter Four

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Mason POV:

I wake up on Friday morning to my alarm playing Notice by Thomas Rhett. I look at the time and my clock reads 6:15 am. This day is going to suck, I tell myself. My alarm went off 45 minutes early which cannot be a good sign. Way too early for my liking. Since I am up, there is no way I will be getting back to sleep. I get up and head to the bathroom to get ready. I turn on the shower making it steaming hot, in hopes of relaxing my tense muscles. I had another nightmare last night and I woke up stiff as a board. I step into the shower, not even fazed by the scalding hot water. I wash my hair and body before stepping out to finish getting ready. I braid my hair into two Dutch braids that hang down my back. My hair will be perfectly curly by tonight which is good since I agreed to go to the club with Kamryn tonight. I brush my teeth and finish in the bathroom. I don't bother with makeup because for one, I hate putting it on, and for two, it isn't like I am trying to impress anyone. I get into my room going straight to my closet to get some clothes. One thing I love about my job besides the actual work, is getting to wear whatever I want. I pull out a pair of blue jean shorts and a white tank top. I grab a flannel as well since I don't want grease all over my tank top. When I look back at the clock I see only 45 minutes have past, making it 7:00 in the morning. I go to the kitchen and put some frozen waffles into the toaster over for breakfast. I decide that I might as well go to work early since I am up. Kamryn won't come in until at least 9:30 so I have sometime to mess around with my car. I get into my 1974 Ford F-100 Ranger XLT and head to the shop, making sure to grab my waffles on the way out.


Not too long later I pull up to my shop. I unlock the front door and turn the sign to OPEN and begin opening up. I raise the garage doors and pull my truck into the main area. When I get out I see the jerk's car sitting off to the side. I go over to the phone to make a call. I remembered that I needed to order the parts as soon as possible. Hopefully they have them in stock and I can have them by Monday. "Hello, Andy's Auto Parts. How may I help you?" a voice says when the phone is picked up. "Hi Andy, it's Mason." "Hey Mason, how are you?" "I am doing well Andy. I need some parts for a car that was brought in yesterday. I was hoping you would have them," I ask hopefully. "Well what parts are you looking for monkey?" He asks with a chuckle. I laugh at the nickname. When I first met Andy, I had been climbing on the counter like a crazy person, trying to reach a tool on the top shelf. He called me a monkey, and the name kind of stuck. "I need a new cylinder head and engine block for a 2018 McLaren 720S," I tell Andy. The line is silent for a moment before he says, "I just checked out inventory list and it seems that we have them, but it is in our Washington D.C. store. It will take a few days for it to be shipped to our Nashville store which, as you know, is the closest store to you. So with all the shipping, you will most likely be able to come and pick it up next Thursday," he finishes. I groan internally. "Okay. That is fine. I'll be there next week, but please call me if anything changes." I hang up the phone and growl out loud. Now how am I supposed to get this guy out of here. I turn on the speaker in the garage and put on my favorite playlist. It is all my favorite country songs. I put on the first song, Famous by Adam Doleac and grab my flannel. I button it up before going to work. I actually like this shirt, and I would rather not mess it up with grease.

I go to work on my truck for a bit, doing some tune ups and changing the tires. I need to get it repainted at some point. It is a rusty red. Literally. The truck used to be red but now it has spots of rust covering it and the red has faded pretty badly. I don't want to change my truck too much, but I want it to be able to run and the tires are so worn. I plan on redoing the inside with all new upholstery at some point. The seats I have now are filled with cracks in the leather and holes in other places. When I make enough money for it, I am going to get a new stereo so I can use CD's, AM/FM, and plug my phone in as well for music. But I have to be able to pay the bills first.

When I am satisfied with the work I have done today, I get into the car and pull it off to the side of the garage. When I get out, I see the jerk climbing out of the passenger seat of a 2020 Ford F-150 Raptor. Must be his friends car, I think when I see the car drive off. I look at the clock and see that it is 9:45 in the morning. Kamryn is 15 minutes late. Why couldn't she be on time this one day. Now I am alone with the jerk. He walks through the front door, and looks around. I am assuming he is looking for a person to talk to about his car, so I quickly wipe my face and take off my dirty flannel before I walk out into the front. When he sees me, his scowl deepens. Trust me, I feel the same about you. "Hi, what can I help you with?" I ask politely, but you can hear the annoyance laced through my voice. "Don't you remember me? Or maybe my image didn't get through your thick head," He says with a smirk. I sigh. It is way too early for this and I will not give him the satisfaction of pissing me off. "I was just trying to be polite," I say steadily, trying to keep calm. "Your car will not be ready for another week. I will call you when it is ready." I turn around and walk back into the garage without listening to another word from him.

I feel something, or rather someone, grip my wrist as I get to the middle of the garage, and I am flung around only to be facing the jerk. He is really starting to get on my nerves. "Sorry what was that?" He asks. Sh*t, did I say that out loud? "Yes, yes you did." Ugh. "But back to the problem at hand," he said. "You said my car won't be ready until next week-" I interrupt him. "Yes, and I said I would call you when it was ready. Now could you please leave?" I ask. My hands were clenched in fists so tight, my knuckles were white and I could feel my nails digging into my palms. "Is that your way of asking for my phone number? Because if it is, then I am sorry but you aren't my type." He smirks, probably thinking he won. "You arrogant, self-righteous, egotistical jerk." I yell. "No that is not my way of asking for your number. I was trying to be nice and telling you that you could leave and not have to come back until your car is ready. Not that you mind, you probably have thirty other cars lined up that you can drive." "Its thirteen", he says. "What?" I ask confused. "Thirteen. I have thirteen other cars not thirty. But this is the one I like the most, so I would appreciate it if I could speak to Mason." "Why do you need to talk to him so bad. I gave you an explanation this time and last. Why won't you accept it?" I complain.

"Because I don't trust the explanation of some chick who thinks she is cool just because she hangs out with a mechanic. You probably grew up with perfect parents who gave you everything in life, but you needed to rebel against them for some reason. So you go off to be with a mechanic to piss them off." That is when I explode. "You know nothing about me. You better know the full-f*cking-story before you go making assumptions about someone. I ran away as soon as I turned 18. I am here because I work here and I enjoy it. Just because I am a girl does not mean I can't work in an auto shop." As I continue to yell at him I realize we have been walking back towards the front door. Soon he is backed up into the door and it opens. I stand in the doorway while he stands outside. "And lastly, make sure you know who you are talking to before you go off on them." I finish my rant with a smirk, knowing what he is going to say. "Oh yeah. And who might you be that I shouldn't piss off, because honestly, it is a lot of fun." He said exactly what I thought he would. I stick out my hand to shake his as I say, "Hi, I am Mason Prescott. Owner of this fine establishment, where your car is being fixed." He stands there shocked, jaw dropping open. All evidence of the smirk that was once on his face has disappeared. "You might want to close your mouth before you catch flies." And with that, I shut the door in his face.

Yay! Chapter four is up! Please comment and vote. I want to hear your opinions! Thanks for reading 📖

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